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Your favourite Jules jingle?


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I just liked the woman whispering "Judge Jules", or that bloke saying "We're getting louder [shotgun fires] - with the Judge" - NOT to be confused with that American geezer or Westwood shouting "we're getting LOUDAAAAAA!!" - f*** off.

Only sexy women should be allowed to do small, pithy jingles - and used minimally.

More jingles I hated? - well, every single one that they use today - Westwood voiceover and all that bollocks - it doesn't sound cool, it doesn't excite people, it pisses everyone off and just sounds extraordinarily s***. All jingles should be scrapped or at least used sparingly - NOT covering every single f***ing mix into another tune or insensitively across a nice Trance breakdown which is what happens every in show now. GRRRRRRRRRRR!! :evil:

Bring back the women - and the Friday night show style. Rant over...

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I agree with Quadrant!

But do you remember one with Darth Vader with another one of those sexy ladies in the background and then you hear Darth say "Impressive..."

I personally like the vocaded "Radio One - *echoes* ident that's used now too. Phat. Wish I had a URN one!

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The old opening to the essential selection used to be mint aswell, with the sample from TranceSetters 'Roaches' and the famous opening sayin...

'We're gona do a song especially for all you nightclub people,'

'Well you are night club people ain't ya?'


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yeah man I loved that jingle!

There are so many classic jingles.

Moving on to Jules'isms, one of the funniest I heard was when I was playing a tape to Jase last night and Jules said "oral spurts of delight, hmmmmmmm!" - it sounded so wrong LOL :D

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I always liked the start of his Friday night shows, that woman:

"Fasten your seatbelt......... it's going to be a bumpy ride. // Judge Jules // "

lol @ "aural spurts" Simon mate, he did a few dodgy ones like that

I remember one - "We're banging like a headboard.." :roll:

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I dunno. Not ever heard him use one twice either... He got a lot of ribbing for it but it was all good and it created attention which was good in the early days.

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Does anyone remember one of the jingles that was really short, was the sound of a cork squeakily twisted in a bottle and then a woman letting out a rather aroused emmitance?

It's in the mix between Agenda and Allure in this mix:


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Mine has to be Rolf Harris saying "its time for house!" or Cartman saying "kick ass!!!!!"


Yeah the kick ass one was quality.

Was listening to the Set in Lush from a few years back, it gets aired numerous times.

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julesism = like cheese and pickle, we're on a roll


my fave jingle is the one they used to use (or still do) on the essential selection/mix from Ibiza. Its the woman saying 'essential' but i suppose in Spanish

"e-e-e-e-e-sentiale" or something


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