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Max Kane

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Been offline for about 3 and a half days now for 'routine maintenance', how long does it take to perform such a task, would be understandable if it was a totally new site going up but for some maintenance it seems to be taking a long time.

Hope they're back running before friday, i need my tunage fix for the weekend :wink:

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The site's back online but with the rather annoying message that 'The Checkout Feature Is Currently Unavilable, Pleas try later'

Why put it online if no-one can buy anything ? :?

Hopefully it'll be going again by tomorrow, I need some new tunes for the weekend

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fair enough if they're having problems but what's the point of putting the site online if no-one can buy anything?

They've also rescinded a lot of the new tunes they had on sale earlier, lots of Nueroscience tunes were on way before they are due out & have now been removed, hope they can get it sorted for the weekend

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I'm not sure if this'll work any better, but Jules's download store is Audiojelly affiliated, so you might be able to buy from there. If they're trying a new system out on their new site, they might not pass it on to the affiliates until its working fully, so try Jules's store. You should get the same choice at the same prices, but while your doing it, you're adding a few pennies to Jules's "i'll save the commission from downloads to buy a bottle of grey goose vodka" fund.


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