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London 2012 Olympic Logo


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Taken from the BBC website:

"The new logo, which cost £400,000 to develop, has also been heavily criticised and more than 38,000 people have signed an online petition to have it scrapped".


What a f***ing joke. Think of all the goodness that could have done for famine-stricken countries or cancer research or something. As humans we are sometimes very f***ing stupid. I mean seriously, is this story actually real or am I tripping my tits off?

Its not the actual logo thats causing the problem. Its a f***ing animation of the logo. To me common sense should prevail and dont animate the stupid f***ing thing.

Organisers said the footage concerned showed a "diver diving into a pool which had a multi-colour ripple effect".

The spokeswoman said: "We are taking it very seriously and are looking into it as a matter of urgency."

After its release Prof Graham Harding, who developed the test used to measure photo-sensitivity levels in TV material, said it should not be broadcast again.

By the amount of swearing in that you can probably tell that this annoys me very much. :angry::angry:

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Aii, the BBC are asking people to send em in etc. There has been far better designers IMO, one bloke whipped up a design in about 20mins and I think it looks great.

Its got the Olympic Rings, and Lodon underneath spelt with 2012 or something like that. Simple and yet effective - key to google's success in a nutshell ;)!

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So that's where all my money playing Scratch Cards and Dream Number have gone... :ph34r:

In Metro today, people had sent in other designs you could make by putting the 'jigsaw pieces' in other ways. The funniest was a bloke on the toilet! Others included a take on the UK map and a camel!


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I heard it cost £400,000 to design. That cant be true, surely. :mellow:

they should have given that to a graffiti artist to do...I bet they would have come up with a more radical design that that piece of tosh

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Just another reason why this country is a joke to live in.

We can't afford to make certain life-saving drugs available on the NHS, but we can afford to waste £400,000 on a stupid logo.

I'm ashamed to be British these days. Sorry, thats offensive isn't it - sorry, I mean i'm afraid to be European these days....

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This is another example of how barmy this country is!

See this logo below?....


It for Morrisons supermarket.

Now, does that logo look harmful in any way at all? No? Of course not, its just a simple black M on a yellow background right?

Don't be daft! That logo is having to be replaced at the cost of hundreds of thousands of pounds because Morrisons have had complaints about the logo being "too aggressive".

So, apologies if any of you feel threatened by that logo. I guess thats why mums always shop at Iceland? :blink::blink:

You'll see the new "softer" logo rolling out across the country by the end of the year.

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personally my fave parody is the now classic...


Just another reason why this country is a joke to live in.

We can't afford to make certain life-saving drugs available on the NHS, but we can afford to waste £400,000 on a stupid logo.

I'm ashamed to be British these days. Sorry, thats offensive isn't it - sorry, I mean i'm afraid to be European these days....

Briggsy, you right kiddo.

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Don't be daft! That logo is having to be replaced at the cost of hundreds of thousands of pounds because Morrisons have had complaints about the logo being "too aggressive".

So, apologies if any of you feel threatened by that logo. I guess thats why mums always shop at Iceland? :blink::blink:

You'll see the new "softer" logo rolling out across the country by the end of the year.

You're having a laugh right? That's f***ing shocking YELLOWcrap.gif

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It's a joke, but the paradies are very funny.

Morrisons logo is the funniest story I've heard for ages, 'aggressive' hahaha I really cannot understand some of these people, who would ever make a complaint 'oh yes i was enjoying shopping until i was set upon by a rather aggressive emblem'

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You're having a laugh right? That's f***ing shocking YELLOWcrap.gif

I wish I was mate!

My sister works at Morrisons - a few weeks ago, I picked her up from work and saw one of their delivery lorries pulling away with the new logo, so I asked why that Lorry had a different logo to their supermarkets, etc.

She said that people had complained about the logo being "too aggressive", so the store has been forced into changing it. They new branding will eventually work its way onto store front, carrier bags, etc - and no doubt the prices will go up, because the store certainly aren't going to fork out for it are they?

These old pensioners that complain (and it will be old pensioners - because they moan for the sake of moaning) forget that the consequences of their complaints will cost them money eventually - and then they'll moan about that too.

We can't have Union Jack's because their offensive, we can't call Christmas lights by their name because its racist, and we can't have supermarkets using a black 'M' on a yellow background because its aggressive.

No wonder more Brits moved abroad than ever in 2006. I'm prepared to bet good money that in 20 years time, the British are the ethnic minority in this country. We're being forced out of the country by daft political correctness and an invasion of foreigners - all thanks to our Labour government. Who on earth voted for these planks in the last general election? :blink:

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I think by calling the logo 'aggressive', Morrison's doesn't mean its going to come and punch you! Something can have an aggressive feel to it without offending anyone. ie Pastel colours give a relaxing feel; black and yellow is more like something you'd see on a road sign. Compare it to colours you'd paint your room - you're unlikely to use a harsh red paint.

I personally think their logo is out-dated and needs rebranding. As does that stupid 'More reasons to shop at Morrisons' malarky. If they're going to compete with the likes of Tesco and WalMart/Asda, they need to keep up with the times. Investment will have to be made if they are going to survive and I'd rather see people competing with the global domination that is Tesco.

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I hate Morrisons anyway. Its supposed to be one of the 'Big Four' but god knows how. All the people in the ones I've ever been in (inc. customers and staff (excl. Briggsy's sister)), are total nutcase scruffbags. The food is w*** too. I bought a tiger-stick from there earlier today as its on my way home. It looks like its been cooked with a f***ing blow torch then dribbled over by a dog. Tastes like s***.

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