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Today's Strike


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So it seems that all the country's council workers, incl teachers have left us all in the lurch today. They are being stripped of their pension rights, the so-called 85 year rule where if their service length and age add up to more than 85, they may retire at 60.

So while the rest of us face the possibility of having to work until we're 70, we finance their early retirement. Sounds fair to me...not :(

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Everyone's striking lately, some of our Uni lecturers have been refusing to makr work or give constructive criticism of any students work for about 3 weeks, how this is gona endure them to the public in order to get them onside i have no idea.

Everyone is just p*ssed off cos we coudl all suffer and it could compromise our degree.

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Everyone's striking lately, some of our Uni lecturers have been refusing to makr work or give constructive criticism of any students work for about 3 weeks, how this is gona endure them to the public in order to get them onside i have no idea.

Everyone is just p*ssed off cos we coudl all suffer and it could compromise our degree.

We had the same at Durham, think it was the Tuesday where all the lecturers went off and cancelled everything, and that was to do with pay as well, though we were told it was a nationwide strike. They are also boycotting the marking of essays so I don't know what's going to happen there...

We went down the pub in the end and sampled some John Smith's Extra Cold (which I didn't know even existed by the way.) 8-)

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Well my parents are teachers and university lecturers and they aren't in the AUT union so aren't involved.

Fortunately aswell my university lecturers on that day don't seem to be affiliated with the AUT union so it didn't affect me as far as I know.

I am awaiting two pieces of coursework tho, one of them as nearly been 12 weeks since i handed it in! I other nearly 8 I think.

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