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The Board Tocken Cock


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Why oh why does every board have its token nob jockey of a prick!

One of the boards i use - www.cityofderby.co.uk is one such example, this guy who has used the same derby boards as me for the last 3 years has seriosulyu been f***ing me off recently, what a w***er. BAsically thinks he knows it all, has a negative opinion on everything and anything.

Tom knows what im on about as i was telling hi this morning, and so does Tim, haha, we had some fun there mate!!

If anyone is bored then go on that board sign up and look for the member 'Si', had a good few slagging matches with im over Trance, under the heading 'Events'.

Theres no need and ive had other memebrs fro mthat board supporting me saying he's a prick.

Pissing me off so i might just leave that forum, had enough of the bulls*** from the toss pot.

Some twats about aint there!

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That's why I like using this one - everyone's pretty sound, don't take offence easily with all the ribbing, has useful connections, unrivalled musical knowledge, and useful info regarding new tunage. We even have the lovely Chrissie on here, nobody else can boast that 8-)

No board is perfect though, young sir!

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lol Bjorn asked me to check out that messageboard and I got pinged by their admin whilst "browsing in stealth mode" :lol: -- Bjorny I'm still not sure how they found out my name though, would love to know 8-)

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