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Lisaya vs. Thomas Petersen - Embracing Sunlight


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Here's your sample you tart!!!!


A full three hours and eighteen minutes too late :roll:

Serious note though it kinda reminds of me of a tune from a few years ago at the very start of the sample then the guitar kinda synth comes in, not bad but feel it's all a bit too YOOOFORIC in parts, then when it breaks back down it sounds a bit better.

Not a bad tune at all, not something that i personally would be playing but can see why some DJs might go for it. Not sophisticted enough for my more progressive pallet :wink:

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I feel there's something missing from in the middle of the sound... can't put my finger on it. Also, the key change up a tone half-way through made me seize up - not sure you can get away with that anymore! :D :wink:

Overall not a bad track though.

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