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conspiracy theories


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recently i stumbled across a few articles on wikipedia about 9/11. i was browsing there after being directed from my enquiry into the new film united 93.

some very thorough thorough articles there, and a lot of conspiracy there actually making you wonder if the US triggered it themselves, especially with the pentagon.

take a look at these links...



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Ok Guys has anyone seen a documentary called Loose Change?

Its 1hr and 20mins long and can be found on Google Videos.

Here is the link below; if you have the time to watch this it will blow your mind and defiantly make you think about what really happened on 9/11.


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Whilst I'm not familiar with all the facts about 21st century terrorist attacks and conflicts, having studied propaganda and media manipulation in detail this year one has to be aware of the enormous gulf between those for and against the government. No defence is watertight but with such polarizing points of view, both sides will be looking to strengthen their case through the dissemination of particular informations at the expense of other, perhaps conflicting sources.

Combine that with the choice of medium this view is expressed in (for example, the Pentagon conspiracy in that second URL is based purely on photographic images), and you raise a lot of questions. Whilst I'm not discounting the validity of the photos in this instance, the context of an image is vital to its interpretation and thus, like a newpaper editor, it is easy for one to selectively choose images and place them in a context that supports the argument within which it is placed. This is only a small example but because both sides embrace this somewhat rigid selectivity in order to bolster their argument, it is impossible for an outsider to maintain a balanced viewpoint and thus ascertain for themselves what the 'truth' really is.

I think it's fascinating to weigh all these arguments and counter-arguments up, particularly in the age of the Internet which fuels people's points of view and disseminates information in a fast and far-reaching way that was previously unthinkable with other previous forms of communication.

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very well put tim.

however, there are certainly a lot of points and views out there to make you think. I only pointed these out as there are valid conspiracies out there and based on the facts declared (all these are pretty much statements by governments etc...), some glitches can be found within the facts...

I quoute from wikipedia about g. bush. You should also be aware that a person in charge of your country is supposed to be intelligent, reliable and so on..

Did George W. Bush see the first plane hit?

George Bush was asked a question by a child at a town hall meeting:


One thing, Mr. President, is that you have no idea how much you've done for this country, and another thing is that how did you feel when you heard about the terrorist attack?



Thank you, Jordan (ph).

Well, Jordan (ph), you're not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida. And my chief of staff, Andy Card — actually I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower — the TV was obviously on, and I used to fly myself, and I said, "There's one terrible pilot." And I said, "It must have been a horrible accident."

But I was whisked off there — I didn't have much time to think about it, and I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my chief who was sitting over here walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower. America's under attack."


conspiracies often prove to be true as well - i am an x files fan, and the conspiracy of xtra terrestials proved true (in sci fi of course ;))!

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If anyone gets a chance to watch loose change let us know what you think.

I have a mate who hates all this sort of stuff and never belives anything to do with conspiracies. Any way im a bit aprehensive too but i was left not knowing what to think. I got my old man who is an engineer to check it out, he has worked for British Airospace and knows a thing or two about planes and how they are made etc. All the evidence that was stated in the documentry relating to the Pentagon crash is pretty much true so, although i didnt want to belive it i was left wide eyed :shock:

My mate was also shocked and was as suprised me.

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Seen it b 4, don't have much to say about it to be honest, but it wouldn't suprise me if it were true.

may I suggest you (if you havnt already) watch season 5 of 24 8-)

(kinda relates - in the conspiracie part...)

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I started watching 24 and think its really good, but by the 3rd series of was starting to get a bit bored of Jack managing to get out of 1 situation, and knowing there were still 4 more discs to watch, you just know he's gonna get himself caught up in something else. And there's too much involvement with his family, repeatedly.

A great series, but too many series imo

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I reckon it's all a load of bollocks this conspiracy stuff, sure there are coincidences but you know what the Americans are like, all over-emotional hot air.

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