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Questions for Jules


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If you've seen in the Clubbing set of threads i'm DJing at a hall's summer party tomoz at Uni of Notts - after a 10 year break, Judge Jules is back at the university too! So, i've been given the chance to conduct an interview for my show with him, which is amazing especially considering that my final show is this coming Monday. Whilst I have some questions in mind for him myself, are the any other suggestions for questions from you guys? I'm more than happy to ask some of them! Post them here :)

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Ask him what his wife is like in the sack?  :wink:

^^ :D

you should ask about the album, it aint out in the uk yet so Im guessing he'd like the publisaty?

Also what his fave soft drink is :D (if he ses cherry coke - punch him!)

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I've just been reading his weekly diary and this may be of interest.

Jules says;

The atmosphere was out of this world, and it was caught by a camera crew who've been following me around for the past two Saturday nights. They've been putting together a rockumentary style DVD, which will come with the UK release of my latest artist album "Proven Worldwide" in August. So you could ask him about it which will give him some publicity.

You could also ask him what plans he has for the future, ie; dreams to fulfil or what he would like to do that he hasn't already done. Something along those lines.

Anyway good luck with the interview. A few drops of Rescue Remedy does wonders to steady the nerves. Stay cool, but l'm pretty sure Jules will be very co-operative and will also put you at your ease. :)

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He likes his Cranberry & vodka, so throw some of that at him to loosen the tongue - exclusive interview for this board!

One serious thing you should ask him is how he is able to metamorphose whenever the time is right - i.e. how does he never get stuck in 1 particular sound or way? I think back to his fantastic trance in 1999/2000, and how he's moved on from that into harder stuff now, and how he was one of the first to move into CDJ'ing from vinyl - how is he so adaptable, is he always looking to do something new in order to stay at the top?

I'd also like to find out what age realistically he would like to retire at - I know he's got ages left in him but wouldnt he like to retire early?

Is the passion for music and dancing still there like it was back in the 1980s when he first started out?

Does he have any pets?

Will his children be DJs or be into something musical? :D

What colour was his first car?

Will his wife do any more stuff under the Angelic guise with DT8? Those 3 tracks were ace.

What's the most annoying thing in the clubbing world that you have to put up with?

And finally:

What do you honestly think of your radio show, and if you had the choice, would you take your old Friday-night slot back if it were possible.......?

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He's probs been asked it loads, but there must be somewhere he hasn't played out yet and would like to? And the highlight of his career?

Both standard Q's I suppose, but I still would like to know his answers to them!

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Good questions Quaders.

I also have a couple:

What car does he drive now, what has been his favourit car he has owned?

I dont DJ but want to learn in the near future and start astablishing a decent collection of tunes, I also would like to know people opinions on the board about this one too.

For someone who is starting out, in this day and age what would he/you guys recomend starting out on, Turntables or on CDJs.

Im aware of the what the CDJs are capable of, and also know know a bit about Turntables, but from a proffessional and DJ oppinion, what would be the most suitable opption for a beginer?

Good luck Christian by the way mate, cant wait to read the write up about this one :D

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In reply to Higzy's Q about turntables, Jules will tell you to go for CDJs, he's been reasonably vocal on the subject & i think that everyone will probs agree that the cost efficient way of DJing nowadays is via digital downloads and CDs, though as a vinyl only DJ it does pain me to say such things.

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Why not moove to cd?

Cost mate, at the moment i dnt earn enough from a part time job to really justify such an outlay, if i started getting more bookings or got a full time job after leaving uni i would definately make getting at least one CDJ800 a priority

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