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Sound Card HELP

Marty Mayes

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Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly.

how do i get my sound card 2 work i just got a new hard drive put in and now i have no sound

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Sometimes that message is down to another program hogging the soundcard, i've had the message before and gone thru programs checking that they aren't somehow hooked up to the soundcard.

Last week realplayer was still open for some reason meaning i couldn't use my sound editor/recorder properly

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how did you manage to get it working?

Suppose you make sure its plugged in PROPERLY, I had troulbe with mine before where the left channel was recording significantly louder than the right - just a little nudge on the line in was the solution.

If that fails, make sure you port is free and no program is hoggin the device, preventing sound from coming out.

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yeh not too sure - you need exact drivers to match the piece of hardware you have i.e model no etc...

Ive run out of ideas tbh mate - other than that you might have to be dipping in your pocket & get a new one...

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