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So Mr Webster.....


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I have being signed to Armada for Corruption and the 3 tracks after,I have a very tight contract to oblige to ..............I cant go giving Corruption to out its as simple as that man.........Its in there hands now If i give it out the contracts states that my contarct will be terminated and they will sue me for money they will have lost on the track

Hope you all understand

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fair enough saying that, but DO NOT tell people you will send them corruption in return for one of their tracks when in fact you simply ignore them once they have sent their track to you.

Consider this a warning Paul.

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to be fair guys like he said, he does have a contract to abide to  :?

There were 'promises' made to people on this forum before his track was signed.

Im not saying he should send it now, as it would be an obvious breach of contract.

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Riiiiiight then. So if this is referring to what I think it's referring too, then it's Red Blue 69 related - Paul liked it, I gave it to him and we chatted about Corruption. I asked if i could play it on my show and Paul mentioned he probs could send it but then i didn't hear anything back- but have since learnt that couldn’t have happened because it’s got signed to a label and thus contract bound. I didn't hear anything back about Corruption and didn't get replies prob due to Paul having problems accessing this board. Miscommunication on both side probably, at end of day it's up to the owner of their own tune to honour a swap, just glad Red Blue 69 got some play out of it.

So all good, there's the explanation as to how I see it, so don't want this one to drag out guys!

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