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Jules's "best tunes of 2006" show....


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Some were a bit of a surprise, and others weren't so much of a surprise.

I think the ones everyone expected were there - Tran 4, Leaving London & Mason - Exceeder, but I didn't expect to see a few tunes that he didn't give much support to on the radio - tunes such as "Plastic Fantastic", "Through Your Eyes" and "Advanced".

One that really did surprise me though was "Red, Blue, Purple" - he's obviously forgotten just how long he's been playing that, because he played that on his "favourite tunes of 2005" show too.

I think there were a few 'ordinary' tunes in there too - he's certainly played much better tunes over the course of the year.

Any tunes you felt Jules should have played? Any you think he should have missed out?

I'm not criticising Jules's show or getting all serious about it - i'm just curious as to see what tunes you'd have played out of everything Jules has played this year.

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Good post :)

I have to dis-agree with RK - Plastic Fantastic... Don't think it is up there.

Team SR is a certain. I know we are probably tired of it, but when I heard that tune for the first it resonated very much. I know Dormouse had it as his tune of the year, I would probably do the same. I think that the delay in release made us tired of it!

I'm not sure if Jules has played Tyas rmx of "open our eyes". I know Eddie has supported that a fair bit and I love that tune too.

Also believe Ferry Corstens Beautiful should have been in there, superb tune...

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Jules did mention that 'Red, Blue, Purple' was an older tune but said that he had enjoyed playing it so much this year that he thought it was worthy of selection again, or something similar.

These days there aren't nearly as many tunes that i really like which Jules supports, mainly due to my changing tastes.

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These days there aren't nearly as many tunes that i really like which Jules supports, mainly due to my changing tastes.

I'm the same to be honest, although i'd say that Jules's style has changed rather than mine. These days, Jules prefers dodgy bootlegs and more vocally-driven stuff, whereas I preferred the days when he played his bouncier tracks such as Hootin Harry, Pitchin', Pistol Whip, etc. Jules is all about loud, banging, bouncy tunes - something which he plays less of these days - in fact, I wouldn't even class Jules as a Trance DJ any more. He's more like Tall "I play a bit of everything" Paul these days. I think thats why he's disliked by so many Trance fans these days - because he'll drop a random tune like Mason - Exceeder into an, otherwise, Trancey set. :(

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I've never liked LR - Star Disease and surprised to see this in there to be honest. Plastic fantastic was actually played a fair bit by Jules last year but it wouldn't have been in my selection either.

I would have liked to see Re:Locate - Alcatraz, the intro reminds me of joshua ryan's pistolwhip somewhat, its got a real oldskool bouncey trance feel to it, one of my fav's from the year.

I would have liked to see more trance/harder stuff in the show that he's played out this year like simon patterson - F-16, 4-Strings - Into the night 2006, marcel woods - monotone, and there are a load more tunes from last year that he didn't really support for some reason which i would have put in my personal best of 2006.

eg. armin - love you more, o'callaghan & kearney - Exactly, Sean Tyas - Lift, Stoneface & Terminal - Venus.

Rant over!

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I would have liked to see more trance/harder stuff in the show that he's played out this year like simon patterson - F-16, 4-Strings - Into the night 2006, marcel woods - monotone, and there are a load more tunes from last year that he didn't really support for some reason which i would have put in my personal best of 2006.

eg. armin - love you more, o'callaghan & kearney - Exactly, Sean Tyas - Lift, Stoneface & Terminal - Venus.

Rant over!

Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be Jules' style anymore :(

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Yeah, Jules has never been into the really been into the melodic, big breakdown trance, so he'd never play tunes like Exactly, Lift, etc. I think thats why I prefer Eddie over Jules now. Eddie has the energy and temp of Jules's sets, but he covers the more melodic style too, and he plays less of the noisey electro nonsense that Jules seems to play more of now.

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