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Rant about people who cannot grade records condition properl


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In my time I've bought at least 5 records off ebay that turn up in way worse condition than stated on the auction page, and every time theres no refund offered.

I bought a record last week or week before..anyhows, took long enough to post te damn thing, just recived it and like fook is it mint, scratches all overthe place and upon playing one side is good as not playable too much bloodey surface noise and tother sides not much better.

What gets me if these sellers have thousands of positive feedback?! how if they state teh item is mint (which is unplayed nowt else) and its more like good condition?!!

Even discogs marketplace sellers I wouldnt trust completely! I bought Bonkers 2 4X12" off there for 25 quid, stated as mint, like f*** is it mint! again very good condition!!!! he said 'well it plays fine to me' pfff! yeah but surface noise aplenty in quite bist elo?!!

The porblem with buying vinyl!!! and its all about getting hold of stuff thats not downloadable./avialble on cd or what not.

This is the last time I'm ever buying vinyl off ebay or anywhere as second hand its all bloodey bolucks why cant people grade records condition properly, so they can off load them onto some poor buggers.

Rant over grrr!!

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that is VERY annoying, I have suffered this lately too...

the only option is to DEMAND a refund, there is no way they can say "no refund is offered" - thats blatant bulls***.

As for the discogs user, who was it that you bought the bad conditioned record off? leave negative feedback.

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I gave him nuetral, i told him i was going to and he was fine with it, mainly the tracks are fine its just a couple that are bad in quiet bits, Im not too worried as gettinge the 4X12" in perfect nick is dificult as every copy I see being sold these days aint perfect, makes me wish Id bought it back in 97!

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I've received too much poor quality vinyl off eBay, so I don't use it now (for vinyl). I'm getting sick of records with such a low noise quality and scratches on them, that it isn't worth it anymore, regardless of how good their feedbac is and if I ask about the condition, they are never honest :evil:

It just totally ruins your collection

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Following this up, the record in qiesution whcih I bought off ebay and then due to awful codnition I received it in had a good old rant at the seller, the seller has now without any notice at all given me a full refund, Ive just asked him If he wants the record back as Its no good to me :lol:

Sorted in a sense, but I'ma be very cautious when buying vinyl off ebay, true few records slip thruoght the net but why is it always me that ends up buying t fockers!..

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Have never brought vinyl from ebay personally, have sold a few on there but all of my vinyl is in very good condition.

Tend to try & sell tunes through forums wherever possible as it gives the buyer a sense of personality when buying, only tunes i have purchased over the net went through paypal to a guy who i know quite well & the tunes i got were in near mint condition.

I've given up trying to sell most of the vinyl i wanted to shift cos hardly anyone wants it these days

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Never had a problem with condition of vinyl off ebay. Guess I've just been lucky!!

i've been pretty lucky as well, the only real problem i've had has been in the last few weeks where i bought 4 strings day time and the gizeh mix was pretty badly scratched.

can't remember whether i checked the grading of the record, so can't really blame the seller!

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