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overpriced upon release?


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The playstation 3, for me, certainly looks waiting for over the xbox 360. My statement is a little bias as I have yet to try the ps3, nor have I read sufficient reviews about it. However, you can read a million reviews and each will have a different recommendation, best try it for yourself.

My question is: Who is antiscipating the release of the ps3 and going to buy one? I would love too and hopefully if I land meself a decent grad job I will invest in one. But as it stands, it is almost double the price of the xbox 360?

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It'll be the same old story, the console will be wildly overpriced to start with to skim off demand then within 6 months it'll be half the price.

May as well hold of for a while, personally I haven't invested in a console for years the PS1 was my last one, though my little brother did have a PS2.

Gimme me megadrive anyday ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
What are the main differences between the 20gb version and 60gb? Apparently 20Gb wont be in this country (well not until end of year at least)...

if you're going for a full HD setup or planning to, get the premium version as it has better connectivity.

I'll be getting a PS3, nearly pre-ordered one last week, but gonna wait til the price comes down i think

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if you're going for a full HD setup or planning to, get the premium version as it has better connectivity.

I'll be getting a PS3, nearly pre-ordered one last week, but gonna wait til the price comes down i think

Was thinking the same and not sure what to do either. Deffo wanna get a full HD setup. Think you can say the same regarding HDTV's, prices are falling and will do over the near future. Been looking around and trying to get the cheapest deal poss, went in HMV and Game as they do student discout. However, you cannot claim StuDis on hardware :(

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  • 2 months later...

A pretty decent offer on play at the moment. Not sure what the 'Click (Blu-Ray)' means though..?

A quick question:

The games released for the PS3 on HD discs? Can the PS3 play Blu-Ray discs and what is the difference between these two formats (fundamentally)? I know Blu-Ray can hold a larger amount of data on a disc 5x to that of a dvd, but a HD disc can hold up to 3x. Does this mean that the quality of the vid is better or are they same?

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I agree with Tom. The costs are so high to start with so that they get all their development and production costs back should it flop. Once they get their money back, it'll go down to about £120 with 5 game, 3 joypads, and a free Asylum Seeker to play two player mode with.

As for Blu-Ray - I can see that being a huge flop. I reckon it'll be like the old Betamax vs VHS war back in the day. If Sony don't sell the rights early, then other companies will develop an alternative.

Personally, i stay clear of consoles now. The games are expensive, and they get replaced every two or three years anyway. You're better off sticking a top notch graphics card in your PC, buying games for a quarter of the price, and at least you can upgrade over time to your own budget - rather than being forced to buy a new console.

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