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Marty Mayes

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Do you not like the pre-installed avatars I so kindly added to everyone's control panel here?

hehe, don't blame you if not, but 5 mins google searching and you should be able to find something original, although don't hotlink it - its best you copy and save it to your computer first then upload it to the board - that way you can be assured it wont go missing :)

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  • 8 months later...
It did make me laugh first time I saw it, that said anythin 'fiddy' related is a bit of a joke isn't it

Fiddy is the man! His tunes make me laugh and so does he. I read in an interview somewhere where he slates Kanye West, he says Kanye "sounds like a robot on "Stronger"...yes Fiddy, thats because he sampled Daft Punk...Gotta love the guy

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