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I agree - its days like Valentines Day where you appreciate being single because you know you're not being ripped off.

A normal day = 6 red roses for £4. Valentines day = £30

A normal day = 1 half decent meal for £10 each. Valentines day = £20 each

A normal day = A card for £2. Valentines day = £7

A normal day = lots of sex. Valentines day = no sex because she's too stuffed from the meal she had, and she's too busy admiring the roses you bought :blink:

I don't agree with Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Grandparents day, Uncle Rodney day, Aunt Fanny day and national ingrowing toenail day either. They're all money making cons.

The same goes to people who renew vows a few years after they get married - what the feck is that all about? Thats what you got married for! What next - a 2nd funeral just to confirm that we were actually dead first time round? :unsure:

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