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HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marty Mayes

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my computer now doesnt come on gets 2 windows is starting up welcome then screen goes black and it restarts and does the same s*** over i got this computer built 2months ago and im now f***ED again!!!!!

Can any1 sort this s*** out 4 me PLEASE :wall:

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I have never come across this virus...

As mentioned in my dissertation (;)), nowadays regardless how safe you think you are it is best to get some form of Internet Security suite. Norton retails for around £50, but recently amazon had a deal for £29. However, you can pick up a cd-only copy for around £15 on ebay.

Start your computer in safe mode by tapping F8... Try system restore once your in then...

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Marty M, did you try searching for this on Google? Because there are a lot of websites coming up, especially forums with ways of deleting it.

A few things I recommend doing are downloading and using Spybot Search & Destroy which will remove some forms of adware which are installed on your computer. Get it from - http://www.spybot.info/en/index.html

I also recommend downloading and running CWShredder which will delete any CoolWebSearch adware on your computer. This smitfraud may be part of that group of viruses. http://www.trendmicro.com/cwshredder/

Failing that I would then join up to these forums - http://forums.spywareinfo.com/

There will be a lot of knowledgable people on there who can help to remove your virus if you create a post about it. They'll talk you through it. I've used forums like this before and managed to get rid of all viruses I had.

It only takes a bit of searching ;)

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wont even come on now its sata hard drive iv got so wen i tap F8 wen starting it goes onto my drives hard drive DVD Drive & CD drive

i have Spybot which cleared the virus well it must"nt have

does any1 no how 2 get onto safe mode on a Sata Hard Drive PLEASE

Also how do i do system restore :(

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