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Today is a good day.....


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No its not a play on the title of the fantastic song by Ice Cube called "Today Was A Good Day" - anyone remember that? quite possibly one of the funniest sentences of lyrics in music history....

Anyway, the reason for the thread is because today somebody has been charged with manslaughter for the death of a friend of mine. As some of you may know, he died early last year.

Don't want to go into too much detail but basically the person he was with, who was supposedly meant to be a "friend" actually killed him. He injected him with a lethal dose of a speed ball (which is a mixture of heroin and cocaine). This was proved by the Police that my friend didnt inject himself. The reason why his so called friend injected him, was out of jealousy. Which absolutely sickens me. What also sickens me is this fella tried to pass the blame on to my friend, saying he was a junkie and he injected himself. Thankfully the truth has been revealed.

Its been playing on my mind for a long time about the manner in which my friend died....now I can sleep a bit easier knowing that this fella is going to get what he deserves.

I feel so happy for my friend (who I feel is around me in some way, dont want to talk about why I feel that though) and his family too.

We'll never forget him but at least there is some justice ! :)

Now I can move on and I feel a lot happier already....its like a breath of fresh air.

Hopefully you will now see a more cheerful me.....


P.S. Newcastle 4 - 1 AZ Alkmaar (at half-time!!)

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Great song Simon, sarcasm in the ghetto :)

sounds a bit f***ed up with your friends.....good for you that you have some sort of closure (y)

i found out today that a couple of aquaintances of mine have won the lottery for the second time. SECOND TIME? unreal

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I knew something was differrent recently as you'd really picked up and the humour was back on form :)

Good news and I'm pleased you have some sort of closure now.

Thanks mate, yes I'm quite eager to give you as much abuse as possible again nowadays, oh I am pleased :D

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