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Justin Haze

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Went out for a heavy one last night, got in late and had a very rough night only to be woken at 8:20am by a bloody earthquake! Im from Dover which wasnt affected to much but i went 10 minutes down the road to folkestone where several buildings have been affected ie cracks in gable walls , chimney stacks collapsed etc. The news have suggested we my have a aftershock in the next few days but i reckon its just scare mongering.

Not your average saturday morning very surreal.....

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Caught this on the news earlier. I read that some people thought the nearby nuclear power station had exploded!

I remember an earthqukae a few years back that was in Birmingham I think, and we both felt it in Leeds. Quite a surreal feeling.

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I don't think it was an earthquake - I suspect Dormouse had a rather large dodgy curry last night :lol:

I remember the Birmingham earthquake though - we felt it here in Coventry, although the impact wasn't too bad. I remember hearing a large bang at 1am in the morning, and went in to yell at my sister for being so noisy while i'm trying to sleep for work.

It was only when I woke up the next morning and heard the news, and saw that my cd pile had moved by an ince or so, that I realised that it wasn't her - it was the earthquake! oops!

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I don't think it was an earthquake - I suspect Dormouse had a rather large dodgy curry last night :lol:

Have been reporting on this all day at kmfm - a real community spirit in Folkestone today - very moving!

My boss called me in at 10 this morning and I thought he was taking the piss!

But we were all in taking calls and giving out info etc etc and was really random but satisfying nonetheless!

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My parents back in England felt this as well... apparently, the first thing my dad said was perhaps terrorists had blown up the channel tunnel... :lol:

Heard Folkstone got it bad though, a lot of structural damage in just 5 seconds of rumbling!

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