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master tempo on CDJ's


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I personally very rarely use the master tempo, primarily as the majority of my tracks are from roughly the same kinda BPM, however it definately has its uses if you wana drastically alter the pitch of a track, for example if a trance DJ wants to play something along the lines of a Pryda sounding track they need to pitch it up a lot & it can sound ridiculously high pitched.

I've used it sparingly on a few mixes, but generally don't use it, I wouldn't say it's a pointless feature as it can be used to good effect, if you're a beginner it's quite handy too as the slight pushes on the jog wheel aren't highlighted so much with master tempo on, i.e you dnt get that horrible screech when you push a track forward or hold it back

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Yeah, I wouldn't say it was a pointless feature either. It does have its uses.

If you want to squeeze and extra one or two BPM out of a track, then its ideal - and the bassline stays intact. Its only when you ask for something extreme (an extra 5 or 6 bpm), that the track starts to sound muchy with a chopped up bass.

Its also particularly useful when using accapellas. You can layer a 135bpm house accapella over a 144bpm Trance tune perfectly without it sounding like Joe Pasquale on helium.

Jules also uses it. I remember in his diary one where he stated that he'd been awkwardly placed between a 135bpm House DJ, and a 147bpm Trance DJ - and had to build the tempo rapidly without it sounding too noticable. He said that it was the only way he could do it (using the master tempo function).

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yeh, solid comments from both Tom & Briggs - i very very rarely use it...used to use it quite a lot until i realised how crap it made tunes sound when mixes - chops the basslines up when mixing!

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Yeah I use it for pitching acapellas up.

I remember this being the topic for one of Jules' question and answer's on his website:


I was wondering if you can give me some advice on using Acapellas in my mixing. I mix deep and funky house. Have you any techniques that really sound great in terms of acapellas over tracks?

Jules' answer

It's best to use an editing program to put each acapella into some kind of structure that will sound good over the records, and if you're playing them from cd, use the Master Tempo facility, so you can adjust the speed without affecting the pitch. The only other thing is not to use them too often, as this spoils the impact. You can use the punch facility on many cd mixers to create a sample like effect.

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when feeling brave i like to scratch in an accapella or have one accapella running and throw 3-4 tracks under it, i used to do this when i did a Luminar for a few months and it does work very well with the anthems, it has a big impact. But all my accapellas are on vinyl. I havent got round to burning them yet.

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you can hear in the timbre of the vocal or a piano riff. you can hear it really. For instance whenever jules plays that Bailey & Rossko tune you can hear it on the break in that. If the beats weren't so choppy i would use it though.

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Yeh it totally cuts up the beats so you never get a smooth mix. Does anyone remember that Digitally mixed Matt Darey Euphoria album? He did that on computer and you can tell that a tempo function has been used! The mix has a very tinny quality - that and the key of Dutchforce - Deadline changes halfway through. Not a seamless Digital mix it proclaimed to be at the time... :ph34r:

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Yeh it totally cuts up the beats so you never get a smooth mix. Does anyone remember that Digitally mixed Matt Darey Euphoria album? He did that on computer and you can tell that a tempo function has been used! The mix has a very tinny quality - that and the key of Dutchforce - Deadline changes halfway through. Not a seamless Digital mix it proclaimed to be at the time... :ph34r:

was that the one with the sunset cover? bloody good tunes on that but the programming was odd to say the least especially on the 2nd CD. I think it went from Yomanda - synth n strings to Eclipse makes me love you or something like that. a bit odd. And you notice half way through, the BPM of Yomanda drops from 137ish to about 133ish half way through the song

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It's the second one Darey did, not the Ibiza 1999 one but the one you are referring too has similar faults! the second one was more trance orientated, as it wasn't an Ibiza theme, so didn't suffer programming faults!

I know the one you mean mate. I have it. A timeless classic.

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