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Marty Mayes

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i f***ing hate it my dad's in hospital 4 about the 6th time this year already but now its really bad , i normally say f*** all about it but im now sick 2 death of it its such a head pickler

Not a nice thing 2 c

and its the year 2007 they can put a man on the moon but they cant cure cancer

im in a dream very angry confused f***ed up and really wanna wake up ------- but its not a dream :(

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Cancer is a scum disease. I think everyone knows somebody that suffers from it at some point in their life - either family or friends. Its a horrible disease.

Cancer and Diabetes are two of the worst things anyone can suffer in life. The sooner cures for both are found, the better.

I'm wishing all the best for your dad mate - and indeed you and the rest of your family. It must be a tough time for you all :thumbsup:

Also, keep positive. My dad has heart problems and was given 6 months to live. That was two years ago, and he's fighting fit again now . The experts aren't always right :mrgreen:

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It must be so fustrating mate, a colleague of mine at work has the same problem, his dad has cancer too - and his is terminal too.

I guess its probably one of the hardest things you have to deal with in life - the only advice i can offer you is to that there is nothing in your power you can do to stop it now, so try & make your dad as comfortable & happy as possible by showing him how strong you are, as im sure he is spending a lot of time worrying about you :thumbsup:

Thoughts are with you & your dad mate.

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My mum did of it in 2001. f***ing sucks mate. The hardest period of my life and it still f***s me up now.

Still can't believe it to be honest. I almost have to pinch myself to see if it's real. It was so quick though after being diagnosed. I'm not trying to say this is how all cases are but we were told it'd be months rather than years and within one month she died. It was horrible to see that happening to somebody.

Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy :(

I got (and still am) so angry. You wanna hate people for whats happening but the reality is that its nobody's fault. I used to get annoyed at people saying they were sorry or that it must be very sad. It was never anything personal but I hated them for saying stuff like that. Used to think "How did they know whats it's like?"

I know I speak for everyone on the board when I say our thoughts are with you.

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My mum actually died of Pneumonia but had an absolute catalogue of problems over the two years she was ill. It took that long to diagnose it. What made me feel really sad was that fact that she said she knew deep down what was wrong and did so for the whole period she was ill but never told us. Thats a horrible thought in that she had to keep it to herself.

Mate I'd take any opportunity you can if you have close mates or a girlfriend to talk about it as I never had anyone to do that with (and still don't). It eats you up if you dont let it out. My family isn't really that close so we dont talk about it. Thats bad.

My friends are awesome & I wouldn't change them for the world but I just dont feel comfortable talking about it with them.

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Im sorry to hear this, my thoughts are with you Marty, and you Uber.

My grandad has cancer so i kinda know what you are going through, he also has had alot to deal with, Firstly he was Diagnosed with bowl cancer and then 6 months down the line my nan (his wife) developed alsymers.

My grandad did his best for nearly a year to care for her but my nan rapidly got worse and worse until she was no longer able to be looked after by him, so he had no choice but to put her in a care home, in which a year later she passed away.

My grandad then met a women who's husband had alsymers at the same care home, they helped each other and eventually they got together, but my grandad's health was gettin worse, then he had a stroke. He eventually came through but was unable to talk and was in a wheelchair.

He had always wanted to move to spain and because of his condition and the belief that if he stayed in England due to the poor health system wouldnt live much longer, so he and his new partner made the decision to move to spain, but because of his condition couldnt fly, so they got their by boat etc.

Since moving to Spain over 4 years ago he can now walk again and talk fine, although he still has the cancer and has got married.

This to me shows that he was right in his belief that he wouldnt have lived for much longer in this country and i have no doubt that he wouldnt be here today if he had. The health system over there is brilliant compared to over here, they dont keep you on long waiting lists and take a genuine care in looking after you unlike here.

Sorry to go on, i'd thought i would share my story with you all.

Going back to Cancer i believe Alsymers is another terrible disease that is yet to find a cure, and for anyone else who has experienced it within their family etc will know what i mean.

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m8 it's bowel cancer my dad has it's now spead 2 his liver aswell, Did ur grandad get any treatment 4 his cancer, My dad hasnt got any treatment as he's been told he would never pull through as soon as they put him on the operating table he wont wake up again that's what the surgeon said but my dad said that was his choice but still they wont do it. As 4 ur Grandad 4 year's on im glad 2 hear ur grandad is still here and by the sound of thing's doin really well,

Yeah the hospital my dad's in only spotted my dad's cancer as a last resort 1st it was chest infection next few times he was in hospital it was the same as they said,

Then wen he went in again 4 a full body scan they told him it was just little pullet's in his tummy that was easly removed, a few week's later he was back again,

After that he told me he was goin 4 a pint with his m8 next day he couldnt hold back and told me he wasnt out havin a pint he was in hospital and that he has cancer,

The hospital surgeon's up there no f*** all and im sure they f*** up on a regular basis how many other lives have been ruined it's pathetic to be honest and totally out of order,

Thank's Guy's uberduck im saddened 2 hear about ur mum m8 and ducky with ur gran :(

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I hate to say this but i really dont have much confidence in our countries health system.

A number of things have happened to people i know, mainly down to there mistakes etc.

Recently one of my friends has lost his baby because of hospital's catalogue of f*** ups.

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Unfortunately, some cancers aren't easily spotted straight away - its not always the fault of hospitals - the technology just isnt there yet. Some parts of the body are covered by other organs - and those organs block the view of some scans. Apparently, bowel cancer is one of the hardest cancers to spot - hence why its the biggest killer out of all of the cancers.

The only way they could spot it is by doing an exploratory operation - but then if they did that to people, and they found that there wasn't any cancer - then people would be suing for compensation. Unfortunately, thats the world we live in now :(

I've was always fairly critical of the NHS - until my dad was fighting for his life. He literally had minutes to live because his heart didn't have enough power to pump fluid away from his body - so his lungs were filling up with fluid (basically, he was drowning in body fluid) and because of that, he was unable to breath properly, which then put more pressure on his heart - so he was in a vicious circle.

Anyway, time was running out, so two doctors decided to take a massive gamble - and stuck two draining pins into my dads lungs through his back. They drained a litre and a half of his lungs, which immediately made a difference. They then gave him drugs which made him go to the toilet more to help pass more fluids. Those two doctors saved my dads life - and after that, he was in intensive care being cared for by one nurse. Three dedicated members of staff saved my dads life - and since then, i've not been able to fault them at all.

My dad will always have a weak heart because he needs a hart bypass operation, but can't have one because diabetes has made his arteries too hard (they won't graft) - but new drugs have become available which open your arteries, etc. Those tablets, combined with a few others he's got to keep the fluid away, etc have kept my dad in good health for two years now - and despite all the odds they gave him, he's still putting up a fight.

Granted, the NHS are poor when it comes to simple things - but when it becomes serious, they're bloopdy good and committed. They can't be faulted at all.

So, the moral of the story is, your dad is in good hands - and they'll do all they can for him - and despite all the odds, people can pull through, My dad is a prime example.

My dads friend had cancer of the brain - and was given three months to live. Somehow, without any treatment at all, his tumour has shrunk in size, and he's still going strong now - after three years! Since then, he's got married and bought a house - again, another remarkable story.

Stay strong and positive, and if your dad does the same, that same bit of luck can happen :thumbsup:

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cheer's m8 glad 2 hear ur dad is putting up a fight good on him :thumbsup:

m8 the ulster hospital is awful trust me there's been loads of bad story's about the place plus 2 smaller hospitals have closed and the ulster have took on there patient's it's clear they cant cope with the number's they now have 2 deal with i no a few ppl who work up in it and they themselves are disgusted and dont c why this is happening i was up c'n my dad 2day and the place is mad the nurses havent a min and wen u do ask questions they dont really no what 2 say or how 2 answer them not the nurses fault it's the managements,

But if i ever c the surgeon who 4 so many months has f***ed it up with my dad well i cant answer what i may do iv tryed 2 c him before but it's impossible 2 get hold of him i want answer's and i havent got them pisses me right off

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My local hospital in Coventry which is meant to be one of these "super hospitals" is awful. I can tell you tons of bad stories about it.

I know alot of people who have had problems there and when i was in there visiting my partner when she was i'll a little while ago saw things i couldnt believe.

To give you an example, opposite the ward my partner was on, their were confined single rooms containing people who had turberculosis.

The doors on these Confined rooms are meant to be closed at all times with people only entering with masks on. Well when the people came round to serve patients food, they were opening up the doors and going in with no masks on!!!!!! For godsake TB is an airbourne disease that can be contracted just by the infected person breathing/coughing etc!!

No wonder the hospital has outbreaks of various diseases all the time!!!!

Im not saying all doctors/hospitals are bad but from what i have seen and from experience i dont rate alot of them, especially my local one!

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To be honest, the doctors and the management can't be blamed - its the government. Its all about statistics. They want people in, and they want people out again.

Unfortunately, long operations such as heart ops and cancer ops don't look good on the statistics because they can only do a small number of operations a day. The government want more minor operations done instead. A hospital can probably do 30 cateract operations in a day, and get those people out on the same day - that makes the NHS look successful. They can probably do 8 herat bypasses a day, but they'll be in hospital for a couple of weeks afterwards - those don't look so good on the statistics.

This government is statistic mad!

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To be honest, the doctors and the management can't be blamed - its the government. Its all about statistics. They want people in, and they want people out again.

Unfortunately, long operations such as heart ops and cancer ops don't look good on the statistics because they can only do a small number of operations a day. The government want more minor operations done instead. A hospital can probably do 30 cateract operations in a day, and get those people out on the same day - that makes the NHS look successful. They can probably do 8 herat bypasses a day, but they'll be in hospital for a couple of weeks afterwards - those don't look so good on the statistics.

This government is statistic mad!

I would agree with that, i would also say that we dont seem to check people out enough in this country in regards to if they are right for the job and contain the right qualifications etc, again that comes down to the government being in one big rush.

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