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Numb face.


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It's 3 hours later and my face is still completely numb after having some remedial work. But the funniest thing was the fact that due to Health & Safety, for the entire duration of the time I was there I was obliged to wear a luminous pink bib that made me look like a baby, plus some clear safety goggles that I swear had been lifted straight from a Chemistry set.

So it's no surprise that I spent most of the time smiling to myself in the dentist's chair, which irritated the dentist himself substantially ("Can you keep you mouth open, please"). I just wish I had a mirror! ^_^

Is this attire that patients have to wear a new thing, or am I on my own here?

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Gotta love these daft Health and Safety laws!

Staff at LLoyds TSB are no longer allowed to stand on ladders to place those dangling advertisements from the ceiling - they have to get contractors in instead. So its OK for contactors to fall off a ladder, but not bank staff?

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I don't understand it. I'm not American, and I'm not about to sue the Dental Practice if I get a bit of blood on my T-shirt. As for Lloyds TSB, I guess they're afraid that if they let their staff climb ladders and they fall off, that they will get sued by their own employees. But I'd say tough luck mate - it's an accident and accidents happen, and anyway the individual gets up the ladder at his own risk anyway. And why pay expensive contractors to do a very basic thing when you can do it yourself... Madness!

Better than Spain though, where you regularly have workers jimmying up 10-storey buildings with no safety equipment whatsoever, having a smoke, dodging rubble from above, all whilst doing a spot of welding above oblivious pedestrians :)

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Gotta love these daft Health and Safety laws!

Staff at LLoyds TSB are no longer allowed to stand on ladders to place those dangling advertisements from the ceiling - they have to get contractors in instead. So its OK for contactors to fall off a ladder, but not bank staff?

Examined/studied something very similar to this in final year of uni:

There is a big difference in contract clause's:

- Staff won't do it because they have a contract of employment, whilst a contractor/self employed has a contract for employment, thus pays there own NI etc and thus the company [lloyds tsb] is not vicariously liable.

Think it something along those lines anyway - I might have my wires twisted, but pretty sure it is essentially that...

Nice story Tim - made me chuckle :)

You back in the UK now, if so, for good - get your butt back on here matey...

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