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Jules interview


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Looking ahead to The Gallery this week, we caught up with Radio 1 veteran Judge Jules for a bit of a natter...


Courtesy of www.skrufff.com

Trance DJs continue to dominate DJ Magazine's Top 100 year after year, why do you think the genre remains so enduringly popular?

Trance is the ultimate big room/arena sound, and therefore gets exposed to a very large audience at all the major events around the world, hence the large support in the polls.

And why do you think it continues to attract such snobbery from critics and some clubbers into other styles?

Popularity breeds contempt in some quarters (although not these...)

Your new artist album is due out soon what's the vision for it? (how much trance features on it?

It's all trance influenced, with some more conventional trance offerings, plus slower and more techy trance, still with trance undertones.

Any public enemy style rage and hip hop? (given that it's called Bring The Noise - how long did you take deciding the title, how did you arrive at it?)

I loved Public Enemy as a kid, but that wasn't the influence... To be honest, someone emailed me and suggested it.

Why did you decide to collaborate with Jonty Skrufff on one track; how did that happen? What's your connection with him?

I've been featuring sections from Jonty's essential weekly online news piece Skrufff for many years, and we got friendly that way, and I've watched his dj career take off big-time, with tune making the natural next step.

How important to you in priority terms is the album? Why is it more significant than releasing a bunch of singles?

I guess as a dj/artist an album tells folk a lot more about your broad musical identity than a single ever could.

Why do you think so few dance producers have succeeded in making timeless masterpiece albums compared to rock?

Lack of radio friendly songs that can be packaged into convenient three minute edits, as a starter.

What drives you to continue working so hard? Have you ever come close to burning out? (either physically or mentally?) Have you ever had gigs when you've just thought 'I'm too exhausted to play?)

Never... I love what I do, and I hope that comes across when people see me play. Doing the job you love overcomes any exhaustion.

Does it get any easier to sustain success over time (or harder?)

Just thought you might wanna see it too.XX

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Good share, doesn't really cover any new ground though. Guess there have been so many Jules interviews down the years that it's hard to find something new to talk about. Though you would have thought they could think up some new Qs

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