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New Beatport prices


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i dont mind paying for music so i have re evaluated my opinion on this. At the end of the day tune ARE STILL CHEAPER than they used to be. I love Beatport and will not stop using it. For my house needs, its by far the best online store - and when i bought traktor scratch, i got £50 in vouchers, well well chuffed.

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At the end of the day tune ARE STILL CHEAPER than they used to be.

They're not though really when you think about it. MP3 prices are slowly creeping up now. When you bought a vinyl, you got three or four mixes on that record - all for about £7.

If you buy all three or four remixes of a tune on MP3 now, its almost as much as the vinyl used to cost. When you think that vinyl had production costs, artwork costs, sleeve costs and distribution costs - plus staff and shop overheads included too, it just shows how much money someone is making on MP3's - and I doubt its the artists that are getting the biggest chunk of that.

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They're not though really when you think about it. MP3 prices are slowly creeping up now. When you bought a vinyl, you got three or four mixes on that record - all for about £7.

If you buy all three or four remixes of a tune on MP3 now, its almost as much as the vinyl used to cost. When you think that vinyl had production costs, artwork costs, sleeve costs and distribution costs - plus staff and shop overheads included too, it just shows how much money someone is making on MP3's - and I doubt its the artists that are getting the biggest chunk of that.

Whilst that is a valid point, you also got stuck with mixes on vinyl that you never ever play and were effectively paying for tracks you didnt even like. I like the fact that i can simply pick the mix i like and just have that.

Whilst MP3's cant be resold, thats just down to the demise of vinyl, that not the "fault of the mp3" if you like.

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Good point about the mixes, but an MP3 collection isn't the same as a vinyl collection. The thing about MP3s is accessibility and having a tune straightaway, but the issue is the cost. There are minimal overheads with an MP3 compared to vinyl and we are being ripped off.

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Its the labels or certain tracks on certain labels that are on Beatport only and hold their prices for bloodey ages that get me e.g. Pryda.

The price variances between download sites for standard tracks is daft aswell

Juno £1.29

AJ £1.45

Juno £1.29

mos/mixmag £1.25

Xpressbeats £1.15/£1.10

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Audiojelly used to be my favourite site but then when they introduced their different charges I got tired of them & started going elsewhere. Beatport is the daddy no doubt, it's the best to navigate & has more exclusives than anywhere else.

If possible I'll always get tracks from DJDownload though as they're the cheapest & if you use them regularly they send out download tokens for freebies

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Trackitdown is the best for my style of music - they seem to have quite a good choice of Tech-Trance and Techno. I tend to use Audiojelly when i'm buying the Trancier stuff.

Beatport seem to favour the slower genres - although they do seem to get quite a few exclusives in early - particularly Durand and Marcel Woods stuff, which I tend to play a lot of these days.

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