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Mixmag Magazine


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Does anyone have the December issue of Mixmag from 1999?

There might be listings of where and when Jules played out the month the magazine is from.

If anyone got the Decemeber issue it would be very nice to have a scan of these listings, so please contact me or Simcut.


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:lol: I thought i'd chucked it but looking thru my jules stuff i relised the article the above snippets taken from is the first of the judgement days with boy george, i didnt have said article ripped out, so I must somewhere still have the december issue intact-and I does indeed.

Long winded tripe

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Just adding to #2's comments here. I've uploaded some original material before which has yet to get onto the archive.

Maybe you could have a moderator to oversee uploads to this section, or possibly an automated system like you do for audio?

Not having a go in the slightest here as I think you're doing a great job but would make the site even better to see them up there as I think they are equally as important as having the TLs and sets to download.

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Both jason and I have already uploaded other stuff to this board, that isn't 'already on the site' where you enticed me to click and look anyway.

I also have more that I haven't uploaded yet. :(

Number 2 - please PM me with details of the extra material and we'll save it right away for displaying in the archives... I can't find the thread you made with them in. :redface:

Just adding to #2's comments here. I've uploaded some original material before which has yet to get onto the archive.

Not having a go in the slightest here as I think you're doing a great job but would make the site even better to see them up there as I think they are equally as important as having the TLs and sets to download.

Agree with this and I must apologise. I guess the focus on audio has taken over somewhat recently but I definitely agree the printed media deserves its own section and is equally as important as anything else in the archives. I promise these will all be on show as soon as the portal software (into which we what to import our tracklistings) is released, which is meant to be this month.

Thank you to you both! I mean that. :)

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