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DJ's you cannot stand!


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We've all got our favourites on here, but which DJ's do you absolutely hate with a passion? Mine are:

Oakie: The guy just cannot be bothered any more. His sets are all over the place, he's been playing the same tunes for the past 4 years, and his mixing sounds like the sort of mixing you'd expect to hear from someone that has only been playing for 6 months. To earn his kind of DJ fee whilst putting out performances like that is shocking. He also looks like a dodgy porn star with his skin tight waist coat and dodgy hair-do.

Above & Beyond: Lets all play girly fairy Trance that all sounds the same, off our own label, and play the same tunes for two years, and somehow build up a big following and gain world number 6 status for the privelage. Alone Tonight? Yes please... I'd rather be alone tonight than listen to that nonsense thanks :D

Sander van Yawn: Hello, there's a crowd out there, so kindly take your set out of second gear please. Thank you please. OK, so I don't hate him - he's a decent chap, his productions are always superb, and his mixing is good - but christ, his sets don't half drag.

Matt Hardwick: Again, nothing against the guy - he's one of the nicest and most genuine out there - but his sets are sooooo boring. 7 minutes of breakdown and one minute of bassline anyone? Erm.... no thanks, i'll give that a miss.

Tiesto: I used to really like him as a DJ - but now, his head is so far up his own arse that he can see his tonsils, he's now more interested in money than playing 'proper' gigs (ie, clubs - not the olympics and Disneyland), and he attracts a really bad crowd. Anyone that, allegedly, insists on taking 75% of door takings rather than a set fee deserves to be hung in my opinion. Sheer greed.

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Col Hamilton (Lush,NI resident). Mediocre dj, though he just plays to suit whoevers on after him, so its kinda hard to tell what style he plays, but just an absolute t**t.

He always used to think he was just on the cusp of the superstar status, just like his 'mates', and it never happened. He's always had a spitefull resentfull side. I've met him a few times too, and he's a bigger tool in real life. He's fine other than that.

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Funny but I actually put Sara Cox to begin with and I cannot stand her, but as I thought we were talking Dance music.

Imagine that though, I didn't instantly think of Dave, those lovely black and white pics we recently had on here, made me feel sorry for Dave a little.

However I just glimpsed his hiddeous face from these days in my head and 'I f**king hate Dave Pearce!! :ill:

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I don't mind Dave Pearce at all well lets say l like some of his mixes which have been great (IMO).

Have to go with your first choice, Sara Cox, can't stand her as for one thing you can't understand a word she is saying. How she has got where she is is a mystery to me.

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Annie Mac Sometimes, she does play good tunes that open my ears to new sounds, and i like a bit of everything thrown together now and again, and usually its the guests that make her show. But she just annoys me so much. The whole "Hyper" thing to me, sounds like an act, and i just cringe when she goes off on one. I've heard her live too, i think it was Fabric (dont quote me) in London ages ago and she cannot mix at all, in fact, i dont think she even bothers/attempts too. How has she got a prime time slot on National Radio? Surely there are more deserving people? (why Dave Spoon hasn't been given a chance i'll never know, his In New DJs We Trust shows were brilliant)

Danny Howellsyawwwwwwwwwwwwwwn

Paul Van DykI've never understood why people hold him in such high regard. Ive never been impressed with him and to be honest, he bores me. Hes not a bad producer by any means, he's just not an amazing DJ.

Masters At Worktoo pretentious, does it sounds arsey if i say that the yanks dont really make good dance music? tough, they dont! Anyway, they are so far up their own arse its unbelievable. I saw them years and years ago and they didnt appear to pay any attention to the dancefloor, just playing obscure jazz stuff. It was really odd.

oh, someone please just get it out the way ad say Tim Westwood...!

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Ah yes, Westwood - how on earth did I forget him. I hate him more than any other DJ!

Annie Mac is rather bland and boring too.

I also agree with Paul van Dyk. Ze German always looks bored, his sets are often random, and he insists on playing Binary Finary - 1998 or Underworld - Born Slippy as often as possible even though they're both yonks old. I don't even think his productions are anything special either - For An Angel was good, but nothing compared to some of the stuff that was around then. Avenue was better in my opinion, but even that was average too. Ferry p***es all over van Dyk when it comes to both DJ'ing and producing.

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Ferry p***es all over van Dyk

I'd pay to see that. ;)

I haven't seen PvD of late but i do remember him absolutely blowing my mind once and despite what people say about for an angel, when he played it att it was amazing. I saw him a month later at GC and he played exactly the same set, it wasn't as good, as it really was exactly the same. However, he's quite sexy, and has made a few good tunes in the past, which I hold dear, so I wont list him in my 'cannot stand' list.

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I'm putting my mix up soon

Dubstep is played at a lot at DnB nights now in other rooms...it is very very slow. I am not a huge fan. I only own 2 Dubstep Vinyl

It is like loads of bass

Search on Youtube for Rob Sparx/ Caspa/ etc

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Sarah Cox, i agree totaly, could never stand her

Annie Mac, agree again, i remember back in 2005 I was working at royal mail filton on nights and she was doing the er.. I think it was like 1 till 4 in the morning slot, then a few months later she had her own friday night show, I never liked her show from the begining at all, when you've had Pete Tong on playing bits of all styles (well he used to but now hes all electro and minimal 95% anyhows) you don't need more of the same from Miss Mac

Quite how she won best Drum N Bass DJ is beyond me-well apart from she does support the genre on her show nicely, thingis shes not a strictly drum N Bass DJ

This Nick Grimshaw twit whos taken Colin Murrays slot, I cant bloodey stand his voice or his cringe worthy laugh, hes like a male version of Sara Cox.

Oakies certainly rubbish now,his Perfecto label and sublabels dont seem to have anything special coming out now, just bland tripe mainly.

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I've decided i'm going to get revenge on Annie Mac for polluting our airwaves with her trash music.

I'm going to go to one of her gigs, buy her loads of drinks to get her as drunk as a skunk, sleep with her to get her pregnant - and then do a deal with her when the baby is born. I'm going to tell her that the baby can have her surname, as long as I can choose the first name. If she agrees to the deal, then i'm going to tell her i'm a big fan of Coldplay, and think that our baby's name should share the same name as Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow's baby - Apple.

She'll then be lumbered with a baby called Apple Mac.

Revenge is sweet :D

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hmmm its quite hard to think if many DJ's I really cant stand. I have never seen the point in Matt Hardwick's sets though - they always bore me. I think I saw Adam Sheridan at Escape into the park a couple of years ago and he was rubbish.. but I've only seen him once so maybe a bit harsh to judge on just one gig. In terms of Radio DJs again will echo Sarah Cox.. she just winds me up with her ranting on about complete rubbish. Most of the other Radio 1 DJs are fine in the daytime.

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I have never seen the point in Matt Hardwick's sets though - they always bore me.

Ditto! 7 minute breakdowns followed by 1 minute of bassline. Yawn! His mixing is too 'safe' aswell - he never takes any risks.

I think I saw Adam Sheridan at Escape into the park a couple of years ago and he was rubbish..

Adam Sheridan is probably the most hit-and-miss DJ ever. One day he'll be amazing, another day he's completely bland and boring. I've seen him 5 times. Twice he bored me two tears, one was average, and the other two times he was outstanding. he seriously needs to sheer up though - he always looks so depressed and bored. He has no crowd interaction at all.

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On his day (which admitedly are much more infrequent these days) PvD is easily the finest trance DJ I've ever seen. The amount of times I've been to see him & just thought 'wow, i'll give up now as I'll never come close to being that good' are numerous.

I wouldn't say I hated any DJ, there are some I don't rate but I just avoid them

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Tiesto makes my blood boil, absolute c**k of a man, actually have irrational hatred for the man :wall:

Especially this video, with his big fat mincing head and general spanneresque attributes, ARGH :blink: :wall:

Youtube Video ->

Can't think of another dj I even as much as dislike!

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