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Everything posted by Quadrant

  1. Classic Essential New Tune 19. Stretch & Vern – ‘I’m Alive’ [bMG] Still got the vinyl of this! Spot On records I think, bright blue sleeve with yellow dots. I even remember purchasing it in my local Our Price back in the mid 90s
  2. What service! See, that's why I love this site. Looking forward to the downloads
  3. You young ones wont remember this but this is better than Lock Stock and all the other so-called British "gangster" movies by a country mile! Another one of my HMV purchases before it goes bust, what a classic! Stars Bob Hoskins, Helen Mirren, Pierce Brosnan, Alan Ford... awesome. Highly recommend. Released 1980. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Xglh_OgotM
  4. Ja I'm with brick - a broken link! Never get those on this site, could admins fix this download?
  5. Mind your fingers when you slice the audio up, sir!
  6. Despite his forays into other avenues he still comes back to this unique kind of melodic serenity like you have captured above. I love it. Could loop it forever, I'm with you Aza.
  7. It's the Kenny Hayes remix you linked to there - my suggestion sir is you go buy the promo CD from discogs for £1.99 and rip it yourself to a delicious 320k mp3? http://www.discogs.com/System-Of-Life-Luv-Is-Cool/release/1372380
  8. Surely the Gizeh Remix of Madelyne here? Got to give the remixer credits where they're due!
  9. Agree sir, I think Jules was mindful of Danny Rampling who used to come after him - he also had the Friday 9-11pm show to go a bit harder too of course. Although having said that I do remember him playing some pretty mental stuff toward the end of his Saturday shows too on the odd occasion!
  10. These were easily missed. Will have a hunt on the web for you sir
  11. Looking forward to this Aza, sir. Your mixing is normally tremendously tight so let's hope the beers on this evening didn't make you go all Jules-like after a few too many vodka cranberries!
  12. I'm all for this too, thank you Fuzzy sir!! We need more audio, ideally older material, a mixture to keep us hooked! Old Jules shows are like gold dust, a drug. There must be more hiding in the vaults?
  13. Bloody hell, gold dust coming out of the woodwork! Downloading this immediately.
  14. You're right. Have you tried the other mixes, Sketch Marks & Sketcherz Main mix?
  15. My local HMV said they have no idea when they will shut, but "definitely between 4-6 weeks". Bit of Adam Nickey at the end of this trailer, imagine hearing that in a cinema!
  16. The 98 and 99 stuff is really hard to find. Most of the sets on here have been ripped from member's tapes they have sent in to be archived. Good luck!
  17. Welcome sir! Losing a tape or mix is a massive deal, knowledgable and friendly bunch on here so hopefully we can track it down for you! Can you remember its date?
  18. I bought this yesterday (£5 at closing down sale @ HMV). Had poor reviews and was released straight to DVD but ignore all that, I thought it was a great film! UK Trailer here:
  19. Can ask how on earth you got clearing for this? Really pleased!
  20. Should be this chap then sire, could try contacting him via a number of channels: :pirate: http://www.discogs.com/artist/DJ+Vortex
  21. It was discussed in the Unknown Tracks forum here: http://www.judgejulesarchive.co.uk/archives/board/index.php?app=tracker&showissue=221 Admin sirs the mp3 clips in there aren't working / or visible, can somebody fix this so we can stream mp3s again?
  22. Jules's own track "Ordinary Day" day in this form is one of his best ever productions in my opinion.
  23. Got loads of old tapes from London pirate stations in the 90s, the only thing I hated was they hardly ever explained what the tracks were so could never hunt down any of the gems!
  24. Hmmm I don't remember this sir. Can you recall roughtly what time this would have been on?
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