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Posts posted by bigsteve

  1. BigSteve brought a few vinyls from me a while back, he may be interested if he still has his decks

    Yep still got the decks, but am close to putting them in the loft...I haven't spun a piece of vinyl in over a year now :( I would love to buy more classic vinyl, but it would just add to my clutter I'm afraid. Deffo list them through discogs, I did mine a few years back and soo glad I did. It takes a lot less time than you might think.

  2. Artists can still create hype. There's been many dance tunes that I have been chasing, only to have to wait ages for a release of them. In some cases I have heard the tune that much, and the delay before release, has meant I have even gone off the tune and then don't buy it.

    You talk about the lack of big bands being discovered - Artic Monkeys sprung from the internet didn't they?

    Surely its a good thing that there is now an abundance of tunes around? Good tunes will always get found by someone and get plugged through 'social networking' sites.

    If labels are closing because of the interent, its because they haven't adapted to the market. Record bosses were at first ignoring the internet and tried to outlaw downloading. Eventually they realised there was a market for MP3s to be sold legally and the resugence of singles sales to include downloads is evident of the turnaround.

  3. Good point about the mixes, but an MP3 collection isn't the same as a vinyl collection. The thing about MP3s is accessibility and having a tune straightaway, but the issue is the cost. There are minimal overheads with an MP3 compared to vinyl and we are being ripped off.

  4. following the violence in Gaza.

    In my tired state, I read that as the 'violence in Gazza' and wondered what he'd been up to now lol.

    Happy New Year to everyone B)

  5. In what way exactly? Really don't get this point.

    I agree. The internet has made music far more accessible and artists have risen out of the internet. Before, music was (largely) reliant on being played on radio & TV to get wide publicity.

    Everyone says its a shame abnout Woolies going under, but hardly anyone could name their last purchase there. It was poor management in not seeing what was coming and adapting to changing needs. They sold too much stuff and didn't focus on 'core activities.' Their kids clothes and toys was the road they should have gone down and stripped away stuff like DVDs, CDs (which are cheaper on tinernet) and all the rubbish homeware stuff hidden at the back of the shop. I also found their shop layout in chevrons style didn't make it a good layout to browse the store.

  6. For me this year has been about getting settled into our new house and decorating it. We still have a long way to go but its taking shape nicely. I suppose the biggest highlight this year was NOT moving house, as its been difficult since we left Leeds in not being settled anywhere permanent. Here's to 2009 and getting the house how we want it (repossession excepted lol)

  7. Personally, I think the safest speed to travel is the same speed as everyone else anyway - if they're all doing 40mph in a 30 zone, then someone is just gonna get impatient and try to overtake you if you do 30mph - and that overtaking move is probably more dangerous than the people that are speeding.

    In that scenario, if a collision occurs, I know who the insurers will be turning to.

  8. Newcastle are in the process of making all their residential streets 20mph (enforceable) zones. Quite how it will be enforced is another matter, but its a good move and will hopefully save a lot of lives.

    If traffic signals on long urban roads were phased so that once you had gone through one set and stayed within the speed limit, you would not arrive at a red signal until you turned off that route, it would encourage people to stay within the limits. How many times does someone overtake you, but end up just a car in front of you at the next junction? Sometimes it just isn't worth it.

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