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Extended drinking hours


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Government propaganda - if someone in the Home Office is going to leak figures then they're hardly going to say that their decision to change licensing laws has resulted in a significant rise in "serious violent crime" (and surely all violent crime is "serious" - I guess that's another criterion with which to manipute their statistics)........ :roll:

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Amazing you should say that Quadrant mate - one of things I'm studying (as well as Spanish) is Propaganda, persuasion and media manipulation; this morning I read in the Times the following article under the headline about alcohol-sales to under-18s:

"Waitrose was named yesterday as the supermarket chain with the worst record for selling alcohol to people who are under age. The chain was identified by the Home Office, which came under attack from the official statistics watchdog for the way in which it had issued figures showing a fall in violent crime since the relaxation of licensing laws.

Separate figures released by the Home Office on violent crime in December stirred up controversy over its use of crime figures only weeks after the Statistics Commission had said that public trust had been undermined by the way it released figures. A Home Office statement issued yesterday said that violent crime, including murder, rape, robbery, and violent attacks on the street, fell by 11%, including a 21% fall in "serious violent crime". However, no details of the statistical basis of the fall were in the statement.

Police chiefs, opposition politicians and the Statistics Commission criticised the way in which the figures were released. Richard Alldrit, chief executive of the Statistics Commission, said: "We would like to see a proper statistical statement."

Make of that what you will :)

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Good points there, and in a similar vein, did anyone catch that article on Richard & Judy yesterday (OK, so I admit it, I watch a lot of daytime telly :lol: ) about aircraft accident figures? There was a guy explaining that, currently, accidents are measured 'per mile' for flights, but the risk of accident during take off/landing is 3 times what it is during cruising. Therefore, it doesn't matter how long you fly for, because the real danger is in taking off and landing. So it should be measured 'per flight.'

He accepts that flying is safe, but that the figures are manipulated to make them look even better.

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