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Audio hosting...


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Hi, following on from suggestions for my personal website about having audio clips as part of the chart. I'd very much like to follow this up. However, I've realised that with my hosting I'm not allowed to host any downloadable material of any sort, .rm, .ram, .mp3, .wma etc etc.

This is because it's quite a cheap package and they want to keep the servers running at a budget.

I was wondering if anyone knew of any free hosting that allows MP3s or audio files to be uploaded or of anywhere I'd be able to upload 10 x 30sec audio clips each month.

For the time being I can't really afford to upgrade my webspace which is a shame, but it'd be costly just for 10 small clips per month.

Any advice would be great :)

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cheers fella, this computer's a bit weird as when I updated iTunes it now loads MP3s up in a browser window when I click open and tries to play them with Quiktime. And with those the browser was crashing abit. Maybe it'll work after a restart.

Will try and get the rest uploaded shortly. 8-)

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awesome! Yeah just chose 30secs to give an idea of what they are all about.

I was also unsure about mp3s and uploading clips of copyrighted music. Anyone know the deal? I thought with 30secs I'm promoting the tunes if anything, just like record shops put clips on?

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I think 30 second clips are fine because no-one can do anything with those. If you look at Chemical whilst they have longer clips they make sure they encode them at a lower quality of people don't nick em.

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Arr!, I did a webpage as a laugh for some mates to keep them up to date with music I like (which they usually don't hear and couldnt care less) basically 4 tracks per month breif review and 30- secs-1min sound clips i did with them, well these mates didnt give a fueck anyhows so I stopped doing it random but there we are!

Nice site, proper fan'dabi'dozi, sound clips are matey bubble bath!

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What sort of webspace you got?

30 sec clips at 128Kpbs should be ok?

Have you seen the HMV site? I like the way they have sound clip that load in your browser, its JAVA coded, thus might be a bit hard, but I think thats the shizzle...

(Only disadvantage, people need to have downloaded java)

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Java does my head in, whenever i use it on www.trancemixers.com chat room my PC starts goin crazy. I need to keep the program mind as I use it to upload my own mixes to the net.

Like the site a lot Wakey, great idea to have the clips and they work really well.

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In reply to Aza, my web hosting in a nut shell is -

50mb space

Free UK domain

1 mailbox

1 MySQL database

PHP, Perl, Python

Free software bundle

Much more...

It's fairly cheap, but does the job for the sort of web sites that I build for myself. Just annoying when it comes to audio.

If I had the time I'd build the audio into flash, but basically it's easier to just upload small mp3s!

Anyway, think it's sorted now and I think the 30 sec clips should be alright?!

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30 second clips is fine Wakey, shouldn't be illegal though to be honest no-one's really going to clamp down on it; we have a lot of audio sets and clips on this site for everyone and unless someone requests them not to be available, they're staying :)

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