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Pete Doherty

Max Kane

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Having witnessed Pete play live for the first time and being both amazed at his musical & lyrical genius as well as being a bit miffed with his current state of ,shall we say, mind i was wondering what the general perception is of Pete?

Personally i don't think someone of his talent should be written off as some waster junkie just because of his media profile. The guy is a nutter yes, but he has an army of fans and anyone present would have been forced to concede that he is close to becoming a modern legend.

Thoughts please...

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I think that the guy is a waster and a complete waste of space.

I can't believe how he keeps getting let off hard drug offences with rehab (which he never seems to do) and community service punishments.

He may have musical talent, but so have a whole load of other people waiting to break through onto the scene out there. I'm not a fan of his or his music and personally think that for some of his offences have harsher sentencing in court.

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I agree that he has got away with a hell of a lot of drug offences and perhaps its only due to his status that he hasn't been locked away for a long long time. But what really annoys me is the media perception of him, Victoria Newton in the Sun is the worst offender, she clearly has no grasp of what he stands for or has achieved and so just jumps on the 'we all hate Pete bandwagon.'

The biggest travesty is the way in which he is indiretly blamed for Kate Moss' fall from grace, at the end of the day she was a wild child drug addict way before she met Pete, the fact that she kept it a bit quieter til last year was purely irrelevant. More media b*llocks.

On a side note, Have it John Prescott :lol:

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Mr Pete Doherty, despite his musical talent as such, is unfortunately an uneducated, abhorrent peasant whose perfunctory attendences in court have been quite frankly disgraceful. People like that should be placed on an remote island and waste their life there in ignorant bliss, quite frankly.

As for Miss Kate Moss, I agree her fall from grace was entirely her own undoing and is also another unpleasant character who I don't find attractive anyway. On a lighter note she is said to crave lesbian orgies, and I have no protests with that.

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On a lighter note she is said to crave lesbian orgies, and I have no protests with that.

:lol: gettin your priorities straight there then!

Will have to correct you on uneducated aswell, he studied at Cambridge!

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Mr Pete Doherty, despite his musical talent as such, is unfortunately an uneducated, abhorrent peasant whose.,.....

To be honest mate I've heard that he got 10 A*s at GCSE.

Not sure about uni as Tom said, but he's pretty bright!

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