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Judge Jule's First solo album "Proven worldwide"


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Yeah, very good album.

Highlights for me are Alma Fe (which is very Signalrunners - 3000 miles away-sh), Keep Me Running, and the strongest track of all, imo, is Without Love, which is a great track and i'm surprised Jules didn't give that much support in the clubs.

Its actually a very diverse album - Jules surprised me with this. I expected something along the lines of what we expected from Hi-Gate, but Jules covered a lot of different styles with this album - including one Techno-sounding track.

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Got the UK version today just for the collection really and the bonus DVD. I've had the import since June and it is a very good collection of tracks. I personally love Puesta Del Sol, nice and techy yet with that cool spanish guitar riff.

I have to say though, watching through the DVD today did remind me of some other tracks on there that are very good which I kinda forgot about, mainly "The night you kept me warm".... really like that track and will be playing alot of it now I should think

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