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Carnaval de toro


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Had an absolutely crazy weekend - not a clubbing one, but bull running - bit like the famous one in Pamplona, only closer to home here and more "local" :)

I hired a car and we set off to Ciudad Rodrigo at 9am... everything and everyone there was just so nuts it just reinforced the stereotypical image that the Spanish are - and I really mean this - completely crazy beyond belief when it comes to carnavals or fiestas. They let the bulls out of the makeshift bullring (which we managed to blag our way into without paying the 10€) and then everyone is just running around trying to agitate the bulls to chase them. Absolutely crazy. The event signals the start of the bullfighting calendar - ironically despite it's ever-plummeting popularity in Spain - but it is the only time random members of the public can be in the bullring and do whatever they like with the bulls first-hand.

After this messing around, with the bulls quite clearly exceptionally pissed off, they are let out to charge down with ferocious speed down the main high street, which is where the chaos begins. Some people are inevitably injured. In Pamplona, guys (usually American tourists trying to be hard) are fatally gored every year. But being Spain, of course that doesn't stop the tradition carrying on. I didn't see any injuries but when we were walking back I saw enough blood on the floor to suggest that it wasn't a good day out for everyone.


Remember whilst this is all going on, everyone is dressed up and having a street party, all the bars are open and everyone is drinking their cañas of Mahou or San Miguel whilst singing to the 80s music that is so popular in Spain.... everyone is your best friend and if you're not up for a party then I imagine it's the worst day of your life! After this we drove (I reckon just about on the alcohol limit) back to Salamanca, and then yesterday with the blonde driving up the mountains and to some local villages. We had to come back this morning as the car had to be returned by 9am. I haven't slept!

I'm going to get some of my own photos up this week - just wanted to give you an idea how crazy it all was.

The adrenalin rush is something else when you're running, and everyone will tell you not to do it.

But well, you have to, don't you?

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That looks absolutely crazy, Tim! Crazy as in both wicked and absolutely mental! I think I would try that myself :)

Is that a woman being knocked down in that photo? It looks like he/she lost her legs...

Looks quite dangerous though for those people on the floor - imagine a bull stamping on you!

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