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Got My Set Up Today!!!!!!!


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Hey guys,

How long have i been waiting for this!!!!!! Woke up this morning at 4.45am for work knowing that i wouldnt see the postman or find out wether my new toys have arrived or not till 5.30 this evening, so you could say that today has been a F@*king long Day!

Oh yeah and i met Prince Andrew today but thats another story!

Anyway after alot of saving and some thoughtfull thinking from a very good friend of mine ;) I have finally got myself sorted with a set up!

Heres some Pics:









Had to put the mac on too!

Now I need to sort some speakers out and learn to mix!!!

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du realise you have your name & address on the internet?? Besta luck with them dude, ul get some hours of enjoyment outta those bad boys!! I jus got my djm 600 2day, havent set it up yet, wont be till sunday nite but im lookin forward 2it :-) Whats that behringer mixer like? i was warned by loadsa people not to but it!

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Good stuff mate, fun part starts now after all the saving, get yourself onto audiojelly and alike & start the purchasing spree

haha, yeh well good that bit is!

Yeah thats a point - might wanna remove that top pic ste or blank the address out..

Haha, yeh aza, no way i cudda afforded em any other way..

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du realise you have your name & address on the internet??

Cheers Bud never really thought about that got a bit carried away!!!

Cheers guys by the way, and a big thanks to bjorn also im looking forward to messing around and learning. I will be doing some serious shopping soon for tuneage, need to get me speakers first though!


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Whats that behringer mixer like? i was warned by loadsa people not to but it!

Well I have barely used it as i am yet to purchase some speakers! I was owed some money of around the same value of the mixer and basiccly took the mixer instead of the money as i knew i was gonna get a set up in the future!

I think it will do me for a while and will certainly cater for my needs of learning to mix.

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My first mixer was very very basic, had 2 channels, 2 gain controls, a cross fader & a cue volume, that's about it.

I only started using EQs to mix about 2yrs ago when i got a new mixer, so it doesn't really matter what you start on, the ffects & stuff come later it's the beat matching that you need to acquire first

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My first mixer was very very basic, had 2 channels, 2 gain controls, a cross fader & a cue volume, that's about it.

I only started using EQs to mix about 2yrs ago when i got a new mixer, so it doesn't really matter what you start on, the ffects & stuff come later it's the beat matching that you need to acquire first

I was exactly the same mate... Suppose best bit of advise is you gotta start somewhere, and learning the basics is good enough on basic equipment. My first mixer was very much like TOm said up there and after a year or so I thought about moving up. I think its best though to start out on good decks, learning on like belt drives or whatever is deffo no go!

Nevertheless, investing a huge amount on top of range equipment may backfire because who knows if you will still be as interested as you are today? I have certainly had a few contemplations, but then again its so good to have a passionate hobby :)

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Agree with Aza's comments about getting a decent set of decks to start on, i got 2410's (remodelled 1210's with digital picth display) & still use them however with Higgzy starting CDJ800's he's well away, I don't think there's any real point buying vinyl decks if you're starting out now

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