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Radio 1 Schedule Change?

Max Kane

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Probably messageboard talk but rumours circulating that Jules' current Saturday night slot will be going to The Trophy Twins with the Judge moved to Sunday night presenting Dance Anthems.

Surely not? :blink:

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i was thinking about this yesterday. Who would replace Jules when the time comes? Who would replace Pete Tong? They are going to have to be replaced at some point!

Jules cant leave the Saturday warmup slot. He does this so well and it's great to get ready to. Although. the trophy's do bring that Hed Kandi vibe which is all the rage at the moment.

I dont know, it'd be interesting, where did you hear this Tom?

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I think this'd be Radio 1's biggest mistake since letting Danny Rampling go if thet did this. Radio 1 had a steady dance schedule for years at one point - but when Danny Rampling left, the dance shows suffered. Seb Fontaine never made the grade and was shown the door, the same applies to Fergie.

When Eddie came in, I thought he was brought in to be groomed as Jules's eventual successor. Eddie would make an ideal replacement for Jules - whereas the Trophy Twins just wouldn't cut it at 7pm on a Saturday night.

I also can't see the logic in it. Statistically, Jules's radio show is the 2nd most popular in the UK after Pete Tong. Why on earth would they change that? Radio 1 make some bizarre choices though.

Whether you like Dave Pearce or not, you'd gotta admit, Dance Anthems was made for him. He presents it well, he's knowlegable, he has a sense of humour, he's good with listeners that call on the phone. Jules just wouldn't fill the role as well. Dave sounds like a professional radio presenter, whereas Jules doesn't sound like a professional radio presenter - he's quite clearly a club DJ that does a specialist show once per week. I've also felt that Jules's interaction with phone listeners is the weakest part of his radio personality. Dave Pearce sounds like he actually WANTS to speak to the people that phone in, whereas with Jules, it sounds like he just HAS to speak to people when they call in.

Dance anthems just wouldn't be the same without Dave Pearce.

As for Jules - well, I hate to say it, but I think if he lost his "specialist" dance show, then he'd rapidly lose his status as the UK's number 1 DJ. He lost respect amongst the vast majority of clubbers around 2001 time - at the moment, the bulk of his fan base is the die-hard Jules fans like us, and those that know him from the radio. Most "serious" clubbers can take or leave Jules these days - and most serious Trance-fans don't like him at all. We all love Jules, but deep down, we all know that its his radio popularity that makes him so well known. As a club DJ, he lost his way years ago. He no longer stuns audiences with his smooth mixing with tunes that compliment each other every single time. These days, his mixing is hit-and-miss, and his sets don't really flow at all - and thats why he's lost his respect amongst the "serious" clubbers. I hate to say it, but technically, there are far better (technically) British DJ's that would overtake him in the rankings - Eddie would become the UK's number 1 Trance DJ, and it'd open the door for some of the B-listers to break through - such as the forever improving Matt Darey, Lange, Gareth Emery (yawn!), Matt Hardwick & Jon O' Bir (Matt & Jon never get the recognition they deserve outisde the UK). It also opens the door for some of the UK's best youngest Trance DJ's we've seen for years - Barry Connell, Mark Eteson, Tylor Leigh, Gavyn Mytchel....

To be honest, apart from Armin and Eddie (who are still consistently supurb gig after gig), i'd not miss any of the a-listers now. PvD is nothing but average time and time again, Oakey is shockingly awful (how does he keep surviving?), Ferry went downhill when he turned his back on "real" Trance, and Tiesto is frustratingly dull....

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Probs a lot of messageboard talk. I remember a similar thing happening a few years back, albeit on jj.net, and that turned out to be a load of rubbish.

However, as said above, Dance Anthems was made for Dangerous, so it would be hard to see why they would take it off of him. Surely Jules would turn down that slot and just go to Kiss or Galaxy and be done with it. Most of his listeners would listen online to keep up with his show if they couldn't hear it on the airwaves.

One point, when have we ever got wind of R1 changes without R1 announcing it first? (I could be made to look a fool, but I hope not!)

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It does seem a bit weird - the changes don't seem to make much sense, but on the other hand, its usually April that radio 1 have thir big changeovers - so it could be true.

I just can't get my head around why Dangerous Dave would go, yet STILL, Tim Westwood remains. People either love or hate Dave Pearce - but despite that, he has a MASSIVE fan base in the UK. NOBODY likes Tim Westwood, and he's been told off about poor listening figures numerous times - yet he still keeps surviving.

Do you think the whole Tim Westwood thing is a race thing? If they got rid of him, would the ethnic minority complain that they'd got rid of an Urban show?....

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The Trophies have two shows, they cover stuff thehouse stuff that Tong doesnt play plus the odd few he does n such, now why would they give them Jules show? seems a bit daft, who would take over their two shows?

Agreed Eddie would be the best repleacemnet for Jules (out of all of em on r1 at the mo), hes got the electro house stuff down to a t with his Alternate/8te mix , so ...yeah

Likewise when Tong goes whos going to replace him, Annie Mac?

Tim, well there better rap/rnb shows on other stations like Kiss anmd even 1 Xtra!so he could easily be replaced by any of the 1 Xtra crew.

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Just out of interest Tom, what board(s) had you seen this on?

Appeared first on the Godskitchen board, no-one has clarified it yet but it seems to have sparked a huge debate

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Totally agree with the points made, it would definatley be the worse thing for Jules career if he was to lose his show, deep down as already mentioned we know he isnt what he was but still there is no other Dj that breaks new tracks etc like he does, deep down we all cant let go and although i agree that Mr Halliwell would be the best replacement he doesnt have the radio voice or that buzz about him that Jules creates on the radio. I dont think anyone could compete with the Julesisms.

Like toilet paper were on a roll

Like a pornstar were bangin

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Totally agree with the points made, it would definatley be the worse thing for Jules career if he was to lose his show, deep down as already mentioned we know he isnt what he was but still there is no other Dj that breaks new tracks etc like he does, deep down we all cant let go and although i agree that Mr Halliwell would be the best replacement he doesnt have the radio voice or that buzz about him that Jules creates on the radio. I dont think anyone could compete with the Julesisms.

Like toilet paper were on a roll

Like a pornstar were bangin

In all fairness to Eddie, his presenting has improved massively since his early days. When I first heard him on Radio 1, he sounded amateur and not very well suited to radio - but since then, he's started sounding professional and confident. I'd even say his presenting is better than Jules's now - the only difference with Jules is that he's up for a bit of a laugh and doesn't take himself too seriously.

Yet again, if this is true, Radio 1 think that the solution to making the dance shows better is by moving DJ's sideways and swapping things round a bit. Why can't they just grasp that dance shows between urban shows IS NEVER going to work, no matter how much they try to make it work. Instead, why can't they put all the Urban shows on a Friday, and the dance shows on a Saturday. The natural flow would be for Pete Tong to kick off Saturday from 5pm til 7pm, Jules 7pm til 9pm, Eddie H from 11pm til 1am, Essential Mix from 1am til 3am, Trophy Twins from 3am til 5am - and on Sunday, leave Dance Anthems and Annie Mac where they are. Trevor Nelson and Tim Westwood can either move to Friday, or better still, move to 1xtra. I'm not being racist - but 1xtra was created because the ethnic minority felt that the BBC wasn't catering for them sufficiently - so they had a whole station created to please them. Now they've got the best of both worlds - they've got 1xtra AND urban shows on Radio 1.

Personally, I think the best thing for Jules (if he's losing his Saturday show), is to quit Radio 1 completely and concentrate on syndicating his Global warm-up show across the world instead. I'm sure he could get both Galaxy and Kiss to host his shows in the UK (Galaxy for oop north, and Kiss for darn sarf). Matt Darey went down that route - and now he's syndicated on 120 FM stations around the world plus further internet-only radio stations. Since he started two and a half years ago, he went into the DJ Mag top 100 poll for the first time, and last year, jumped up again to somewhere around number 50.

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Actually, i've just thought! This can't be right - how can Jules broadcast a weekly Radio show on a Sunday night, if he's going to be doing Judgement Sundays in Ibiza from mid- June until late September. It can't be recorded because of all the listener interaction that they do on that show. :confused:

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One point, when have we ever got wind of R1 changes without R1 announcing it first? (I could be made to look a fool, but I hope not!)

When Jules moved his Saturday show two hours later I knew a bit earlier than most even though R1 hadn't announced it formally... I'll have you know I was the one who pressed him to bring back the "half hour mix" to the show... ;) I also worked out the GBNF feature was to be dropped as well, although at the time Jules was under obligation from his manager not to reveal the actual format of the show, so everyone (including myself) only really found out 100% exactly what was happening when it was aired.

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Therefore, is there any truth in these rumours Tim! (OK, so you're not going to answer that one if there is, but if there isn't, you will :mrgreen: )

Briggsy, you make a good point about Judgement Sundays, but I'm guessing Jules doesn't play til late on there, probs the early hours, so I guess he could still make it :confused: Depends on flights I suppose, or maybe just do his shows from Ibiza, Friday-night style :confused: :confused: Am I onto something here, Tim????

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Therefore, is there any truth in these rumours Tim! (OK, so you're not going to answer that one if there is, but if there isn't, you will :mrgreen: )

Briggsy, you make a good point about Judgement Sundays, but I'm guessing Jules doesn't play til late on there, probs the early hours, so I guess he could still make it :confused: Depends on flights I suppose, or maybe just do his shows from Ibiza, Friday-night style :confused: :confused: Am I onto something here, Tim????

Jules does the two sets don't forget though - and Dance Anthems is on 7pm til 9pm - which would only be 8pm til 10pm in Ibiza, so I doubt JS is even open when Dance Anthems is finishing.

As for Jules flying out after every show - He'd have to get to Gatwick airport, check in, and get his flight - plus two hours in the air, then travelling from the airport to Eden once he gets there - I can't really see him having enough time. There would be uproar if everyone has paid to see Jules play at the night he's put his name to, only for him to either turn up late, or not at all, due to flight problems.

I can't see him broadcasting live either. It'd drastically lower the tone and respect of Judgement Sundays. Could you imagine Matt Hardwick and Marvo V wanting to DJ between someone that is playing Fragma, Pendulum and random commercial house tunes live on Radio 1? I just couldn't see it working. Jules makes more money from DJ'ing in clubs than he does playing on Radio 1 - so I can't see him lowering the tone of his nights just to squeeze in a radio show on a Sunday night.

If anyone would be more suited to Dance Anthems, it'd be Pete Tong - he's not really got anything to lose. He doesn't DJ in clubs as often as he used to, and his reputation has dropped drastically over the years - he wasn't even in the top 50 of this years DJ mag poll. The only thing keeping his name alive at the moment is his radio show - and he'd still have that if he did Dance Anthems. Pete Tong has a good radio voice, he doesn't take himself too seriously, he's good on the phone and he enjoys his job - that'd be a good recipe for Dance Anthems i'm sure :mrgreen:

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Sorry, I meant doing Dance Anthems from a club in Ibiza, not necessarily JS, maybe Mambo like Dangerous has done before. Then its a quick nap and off to Eden later on. Could potentially be a good show, although maybe not for a Sunday night??

Who knows what will happen. Might not be any changes for years!!!

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Sorry, I meant doing Dance Anthems from a club in Ibiza, not necessarily JS, maybe Mambo like Dangerous has done before. Then its a quick nap and off to Eden later on. Could potentially be a good show, although maybe not for a Sunday night??

Who knows what will happen. Might not be any changes for years!!!

True, good point - i'd not thought of that :thumbsup:

I've not seen anything concrete yet though - there's nothing up on the Radio 1 site at all, so i'm not gonna believe it until I see it. In the past, radio 1 have openly announced new schedule plans. Its probably just rumours circulating after Jules stood in for Dave Pearce for one week.

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Jules also does a warm up at "Bar M" on Sunday nights before going to JS where he does 2 sets.

Personally can't see the point in changing the 3 shows, (Pete Tong's, Jules's or Dave's) as l think they all do a good job.

However "There's no smoke without fire" We will just have to wait and see.

Personally l would be very upset if Jules's lost his Radio 1 show as he always sounds cheerful and l happen to like his style of presenting.

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didn't they only reshuffule the schedules only less than 6 months ago? If so, they really won't be planning any restructuring for a while.

Yeah but this is radio 1 mate - they're forever changing things around after short periods of time. They brought in Jon O' Bir and got rid after 6 months, so who knows. Always expect the unexpected from Radio 1.

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I don't listen to R1 much anymore & if i do ever listen it's usually via listen again. Jules' show has lost it's edge, i generally loathe the kind of funky house he plays so avoid the first hour at all costs & the second hour doesn't really hold the same kind of appeal for me as it used to.

Occasionally i'll check out the half hour mix just out of curiosity, but that's very rare now.

The only shows that i do listen to most weeks are GDJB with Markus Schulz & ASOT with Armin, both of these shows are 2hour mix shows with the focus on the tunage and not on features, callers or any other s***.

I know that R1 have to take care of their audience much more than net based stations do but i feel that the dance shows on R1 don't focus enough on mixing & the music, though it's great for a DJ to have on-air presence, etc i feel it's more important for them to competent at their job of selecting good music & mixing it. JO'B wasn't the greatest on the mic but his shows were superb imo

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Spot on Tom. It comes down to what a DJ is. To me there are 3 (professional) types:

1. Radio DJs

2. Wedding DJs

3. Club DJs

To get a good cross-over between 2 of those is unusual, but I think Jules does a good job at it (#1 & 3 that is!)

Most Club DJs that do radio shows cut the talking down to a minimum, but R1 are only ever going to get away with that during the small hours (E-Mix, etc). Therefore, it would be silly to pack Jules off just yet.

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