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The Uni Progress Thread

Spin Doctor

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Well I'm sat here in the uni library and saw this post so I thought I would contribute. So far I've done 4 exams, the last of these being a week ago last Friday. I've one more to do now which is on Friday and then I will have finished my second year. It's becoming a bit of a drag having to revise and this exam is a bit techy. It's a unit called "Internet Technologies", I know some of it already but have to learn some more technical bits.

Anyhow, 2-3 more days of revision and it'll be done! :)

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Ok, as we know we have a fair few students who frequent the JJTA forums. Also it's exam/dissertation time. So how is everyone progressing?

Not to rub it in or anything but I finished for good about a week ago! :mrgreen: :thumbsup:

I too finished a week ago & tbh, it actually feels rather weird. Over the exam period I longed for them to be over with, but my word has it flown by!

My term times were mashed up this year so all you ranting bout dissertations seems funny to me as mine had to be in at the end of March!!!!

All exams went well (I think and hope) except for one, which was the final one too. My result is toward the end of June and then hopefully the grad ceremony is in mid July!

Might do some job hunting soon hehe

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It's amazing how you can really pull a result out when it comes to hexams and courseworks etc. I know I have always had the attitude as I progressed through studentage to try harder next time, but it seems almost all my classmates do the same and leave it all right till the end.

We had some people on calms and someone else boffing up because of the stress etc!

I remember cramming revision a few days before and being able to just recite pages of text I put up in the short term memory - lol!

I think the experience in employment is something I really need to stock up on, think Ive had enough of academia for a bit now, although I would like to do a masters in the near future...

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Congrats mate :)

What you studying & when's your results?

Think mine are in midst of this month, whilst the grad ceremony is the month after!

Bloody gotta rent a gown and all that palavara now, £36 rental - CRIKEY!

Been having a look online for some jobs. Would love to get onto some sorta grad scheme, although most people inform me these are v.tough - I'm already scared :(

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Well I'm only a second year so only done for this year. But I study Business Information Systems, combination of management and Computer Science.

Think I get my results at the start of July sometime.

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Well Crackle & Pop dude :)

I'm doing exactly the same course. I think its a great combo esp for today's day and age so you can combine IT and Management...

Do you have Networking & Multimedia options? I chose the MM route and wouldn't going in to that as a career, but spose I'll just have to see what I can get.

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Well I never realised that! Yeah I think the combination of doing both subjects is great for career prospects.

I've not had chance to do networking and multimedia, a lot of the computer aspects this year have been on databases, sql, internet technologies and systems analysis.

Just made my choices for next year, going to do Legal issues in Business, a unit of intermediate french, then we've got soem compulsory units, but I can't think what they are right now lol.

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Ah, the legal stuff :(

I tried to avoid that, I hate all that, legislations etc, we had a kinda revamp of a similar module you mentioned up there, but also business ethics integrated...

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s*** it seems like an eternity since I left uni. Been a (tax-paying) worker since 2004 now. People always bang on about how they wish they could be back at uni again. It pisses me off as thats so negative about life. There's no way its ever going to happen (unless you go onto further, further education i.e. Msc, PhD but that wouldn't be the same as you'd have to work your arse off and couldnt go on the piss after lectures everyday.

If life's that bad you spend all your time thinking about the past, these people need to look at the career they've chosen and assess whether it's the one they really want to work in.

I'm pretty happy with life and work and stuff so just get on with it. I'd say I'm pretty happy in life so why complain! -_-

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys - just dug this one out now that all is done and I for one went in to get my result.

SpinDoctor, Tom and Tremor have you guys had any news?

I got my result yesterday as our lot received emails from the exam board saying our degree award would be published the day after.

I was expecting and predicted a 2:1, but to my absolute astonishment, shock and surprise my name wasn't on that sheet with the other students, who I must say did very well and I am well happy for everyone doing really well. I looked down at the 2:2 sheet and I wasn't on there either - I found my name out of two people landing my self a First-Class Honours Degree - woohoo!

It hasn't really hit me yet, but boy I think it is a better feeling than passing your driving test I think!

I was expecting a possible failed exam because this year they were rock and I found myself in some places just throwing down everything you know. I have even had a bit of room change and moved some furniture round etc to make space, but didn't wanna temp fate by putting my files away in storage. Some of my other mates burnt their notes! I would prefer to keep them (although I will prob never use em), but these years have been a significant part of my life!

I am now off to get some measuring tape and gotta do all the shananigans of measuring me head (which is now struggling to fit through doors - haha!), chest and height for ordering of my (gay) Gown and all that for Graduation Day :)

I hope everyone has done well or if you ain't picked up your result yet, best of luck :mrgreen:

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  • 1 month later...

Quite a delay from me posting this thread and replying, but I've been having fun in my summer ha ha! I'm planning on making a bit more of a return to the board now though.

In the end I got a first, I'm well chuffed. Now I'm off to do a MPhill in October so another two years of studen dossing for me! ;)

Congratulations to everyone who graduated this summer. :thumbsup:

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I was expecting and predicted a 2:1, but to my absolute astonishment, shock and surprise my name wasn't on that sheet with the other students, who I must say did very well and I am well happy for everyone doing really well. I looked down at the 2:2 sheet and I wasn't on there either - I found my name out of two people landing my self a First-Class Honours Degree - woohoo!

I am now off to get some measuring tape and gotta do all the shananigans of measuring me head (which is now struggling to fit through doors - haha!), chest and height for ordering of my (gay) Gown and all that for Graduation Day :)

WOW Many congratulations on such a fantastic result :thumbsup: ^_^

I've only just seen this thread so that's why l didn't congratulate you earlier. Better late than never:redface:

Well done to Spin Doctor too. Hope the rest of you have passed with flying colours.

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Well done Aza mate and all others who've got their results. Following all the postal strikes I've only just received my result today. I ended up getting a 2:1 which is pretty much what I was expecting so I'm pretty happy with that.

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Well done guys! I feel a real outsider now - gotta be the only student left now out of the lot of ya!

I wouldn't trade my time in Spain for anything though - although quite rightly it is a compulsory part of any language degree, I feel all the better for having got all that travelling and foreign 'frolicking' out of me, so being all the wiser now, I might be able to actually settle down to some serious work in my finals now when it matters. The last 13 months have been the best time of my life. :)

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