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Liquid - Sweet Harmony - Dave Spoon & James Talk remix


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suitably large tune i'd say, a very tasteful update. I cant see it being released but i hope it does get a full release. The only downside about it is, there a far too many of the electro house "sandwich" tunes about. I.e, and electro house groove, with a classic breakdown filling in the middle!

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Yep - its huge alright but as you've quite correctly pointed out, very similar to a lot of other tracks out there which are electro and old skool put neatly between two slices of bread! If Dave Spoon's got anything to do with it, the track will get some sort of a release - probably digital or vinyl only.

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sample anywhere?

Dave Spoon hasnt got it on his myspace so the only place you can hear it is on Pete Tongs friday night show from last week as far as i'm aware...

It was on his Essential Mix from the other week too.


Just fast forward to about 25 mins in...

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