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Marty Mayes

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Yes Bjorn , have a good one :thumbsup:

BTW l was on Jules's show too tonight. I'm off to see him at the Barracudda in Newquay and he talked to me on the phone. You can hear Jules talking to me just before the Sat night mix. Just getting ready to drve up to Newquay- can't wait.

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Yes Bjorn , have a good one :thumbsup:

BTW l was on Jules's show too tonight. I'm off to see him at the Barracudda in Newquay and he talked to me on the phone. You can hear Jules talking to me just before the Sat night mix. Just getting ready to drve up to Newquay- can't wait.

Was that you saying I'm going wearing something pink & fluffy? :P

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I had texted into R1 to say l was loving the Thomas Gold Instrumental mix of Freaks- "The Creeps" and also mentioned that l was going to The Barracudda, Newquay to see Jules.

About 10 mins later l got a call from one of the girls in the studio and they persuaded me to speak to Jules. Jules came on the phone and talked me through it and then it was transmitted about 20 mins later. TBH l didn't really want to do it coz l don't like hearing my voice but the girls did a very good job of getting me to change my mind. :redface:

BTW I said l was going to be wearing something "purple & funky".

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did anyone hear the shout for "Zig Zig & Swallow patrolling in peterborough telling louts to pipe down"? That was me and my colleague patrolling in Peterborough in our Marked up Ford Focus. I hate working a late saturday, cos i always listen to Jules (usually when completing statements, booking someone in or whatever) and frankly, it makes me want to go out! Which i ended up doing after shift. We were listening in via a mobile phone in one of those rare quiet moments on saturdays hen we actually had no paperwork and no crimes on our queue and when everyone is usually getting ready to go out.

Its on listen again at 31.10 to about 32.00mins.

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Like your VW Beetle? ;)

:lol: Funnily enough l thought of that after l had said it.

I heard Moonman's shout too, also did you do one the previous week, about going out dressed as a policeman only it was your job (or something like that)

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I love Barracuda as it is the biggest, smartist club down my way and IMO the atmosphere is pretty good too.

The one thing that really bugs me is the DJ booth as it is stuck right up high in a corner and is cut off from the main dancefloor. There are several small platforms leading up to the DJ booth but you have to be carefulyou don't fall off when you're dancing as the steps to the platforms are about 2 feet high (not very good at describing what l mean) There is big balcony upstairs so you can watch what's going on and there is lots of seating up there.

I didn't get there until late as Jules didn't start until 1am Mark Eteton(haven't spelt that correctly) was on before him but l wasn't impressed but the crowd loved him. All l could hear was bass.

When Jules came on l managed to get up on the top platform right in front of the DJ booth and l danced during the whole of his set which was 1-3 (he went on a bit longer)

Lots of people were in fancy dress so it was difficult to say whether they were Chavs or not. :lol:

Jules was pretty good but it wasn't the best set l have heard him play. It went down well with the crowd which is the main thing. Personally l thought he played an absolutely blinding set at Tall trees in April of this year as at that gig he played so many of my fav tunes. It does make a difference.

Last night his tune selection wasn't to my taste (some of the time) but it didn't stop me enjoying the night.

Jules had very kindly put me on his guest list .

I had to laugh as there were a few clubbers asking Jules to sign their money (£10 notes) which l thought was pretty bizzare, perhaps they were chavs afterall.

I got home at 4.30 and had to go to work at 1.00 this afternoon which wasn't too bad as l was still on a high.

BTW, It was great as my clothes didn't smell of smoke, there were loads of people smoking outside the club.

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