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Kirsty Hawkshaw meets Tenishia 'Reasons To Forgive'

Max Kane

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I'm sure all of you were aware of the first track Tenishia made with Ms. Hawkshaw entitled 'Outsiders' it's one of my favourites from the year thus far & was prominent within most of my club & radio sets through the spring, the bosh monkeys among you I'm sure enjoyed the Cosmic Gate Remix aswell.

The follow up had up until now escaped my attention, however I've now listened to a full sample & have to say it's every bit as good as 'Outsiders' and that takes a lot for me to say.

Sample HERE


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Quality stuff mate. Suprised Armin hasn't been playing this on ASOT yet, unless it was in one of the few shows I've missed recently :confused:

I can't remember seeing him playlist it either mate, hopefully the lack of appearances on ASOT doesn't mean its gona take ages to come out. 'Outsiders' took forever after it appeared on his X-Mas Eve e-mix, then didn't appear til April

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