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Erol Alkan


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why is this go so hyped up? just heard him on the Essential Mix standing in for 2ManyDJ's and I fail to see whats so special about him. Okay so TRASH! may have been unique and ahead of its time but isnt it the people that make the parties? As a DJ i dont see what all the fuss is about. Same with Digitalism too...I'm open minded too but just dont see what all the fuss is about the above 2...

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I havent seen Erol live but I would really like to. I love the stuff he chucks out, totally off the wall kinda shizzle!! I guess its either your thing or not. Ive seen digitalism live a few weeks ago and they f***in rocked big time!

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Generally not much of a fan of Alkan, but then I'm not really that into the music he plays, a lot of the time it just sounds like there's way too much going on with his sets.

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Apparantly there were problems with the sound system on Friday night (@Global) and so 2 ManyDJ's set couldn't be recorded for the Ess mix so that's why Alkan set was played instead.

if you listened to the PvD Essential Mix last night you may not have thought that there had been a problem...but the recording was not from the true start of his set (which started off in wicked style with the thumping Armandi - Up The Tempo). It was in fact from around 20 mins in when people who were climbing the rigging were booed after the music switched off - not sure if they caused the loss of sound or a Health & Safety issue and was consequently turned off as "punishment" but it proper ruined the dancefloor flow for 5 mins! I have some funny video footage of some knob larging it on the rigging, lol. At least the muddy floor would have given them a softer landing :huh:

PvD astounded me to be honest. One of the best bits of trance I had seen in ages, all on his laptop too, which did explain him zipping through the tracks.

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The sound was cut deliberately until the people climbed down... bet they felt pretty stupid at that point. I couldn't actually see them myself although everyone was looking up into the rafters so to speak at something so they obviously were up there.

PVD was quality, I didn't even realise it was all on laptop. I'm not too keen on use of laptops but it certainly didn't hinder his performance.

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All [PVD] his sets are run on Ableton now (unless someone is going to correct me). I haven't seen him touch a CDJ for a very long time. I guess if your open minded and not pigeon-holed into thinking CDJ's are the only 'proper' way of DJ'ing then it's cool. He sure uses it to full effect. The setup used for this is awesome (Xzone 3D, M-Audio X-Session Pro, Mac's).

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Apparantly there were problems with the sound system on Friday night (@Global) and so 2 ManyDJ's set couldn't be recorded for the Ess mix so that's why Alkan set was played instead.

I got the above message slightly wrong as l heard Pete Tong say that 2Many DJ's had technical problems prior to Global. However due to the difficult conditions at Global, Pete Tong's Ess Selection was late starting on Friday evening.

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the Release Yourself Tent (which turned into Bedrock for Saturday) was supposedly flooded quite badly too

Quite ironic considering Gods were bumming themselves up saying that the site was 'on an airfield, not a floodplain.' :mrgreen: Not sure how much rain there was, but at a festie it doesn't take much to turn it into a mudfest :( Thats the chance you take with any festival (in the UK lol) When they're good, they're really good - when they're bad, they're really bad.

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