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territory restrictions strike again


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I don't see the logic behind this territory nonsense. It just encourages illegal downloading.

If someone wants a tune badly, they'll just ask their mate Dave, who cna buy it in the USA, to pass it to them via MSN.

Lifting the territory restriction would help solve that problem.

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thing that annooys me is they are trying to defeat illiegal downloading, then they go and slap territory restrictions on certain tracks...go figure?

Anyway, Robin sent me in the right direction and i bagged the track i was after.

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thing that annooys me is they are trying to defeat illiegal downloading, then they go and slap territory restrictions on certain tracks...go figure?

Exactly, its pointless!

It usually happens when a UK label has bought the rights to release it in the UK at a later date, so they slap a territory ban on it so that we're forced to by the Uk version. What they forget is, the import vinyls still come over here anyway, so if everyone else is as impatient as me at waiting for tunes, they'll just buy the vinyl and rip it to MP3.

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Ideally labels look for artists who they can sign for worldwide rights however this is not always possible, especially in the case of established acts like Tiesto etc. It is such a pain though, I do empathise with you.

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