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Getting digital photos printed


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I have well over 500 photos of my recent life in Spain, which I definitely want to get printed into normal size photos to put in an album in the old-skool way before they get lost in the depths of my PC. I've never done this before so can anyone give me advice on:

1) Where to do this? I can only think of Boots at the moment :confused:

2) How I do it? Do you physically hand over a CDR with JPEGs on or what?

3) Sizes, paper, matt, gloss (I like matt photos actually)

4) Anything else I've forgotten

It's really important to me because I have many memories I don't ever want to forget, and so many amazing people I met from around the world that I don't want to forget either. Thank you! :)

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Sod that for a game of soldiers - I've got no money and not time to buy a decent printer or cartridge to print 500 of the damn things. There must be some sort of online facility where you can get them printed for 1p each? Does nobody on here take pictures!?

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Sod that for a game of soldiers - I've got no money and not time to buy a decent printer or cartridge to print 500 of the damn things. There must be some sort of online facility where you can get them printed for 1p each? Does nobody on here take pictures!?

Your right Tim. If you Google digital camera prints it'll give you a host of sites that will offer this facility.

I did it recently with a load of surf & wakeboard pics and found the service pretty reasonable. I took them to Asda initially but the stoned student working there was about as much use as a pair of sunglasses on Vincent van Gough. I got them printed in the end by Bonusprint.

Its a pretty simple process really and all it requires is for you to upload the pics onto the website and choose which pics in which size you want. I received them two days after ordering. For price; the more you buy the cheaper they are. The prices go down to something like 3p/print for a standard sized print. If you want different sizes or different paper types then it'll cost more.

Hope thats of some help :)

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Chrissie - I thought you would be blagging up Tesco's services ;)

Tim mate, I had over 100 snaps from my recent travels. Simply go to Tesco's, you can either have your photo's printed (digitally) either via Bluetooth (if they are on your mobile for example) or plug in your memory card. The device automatically reads them and from there onwards it is a wizard process - you can print 6x4, 7x5 etc.

The more you print, the more you save and yes there probably is cheaper services online, but to save time, hassle and piece of mind, go to Tesco (they are everywhere now...:D) and once submitted you can usually get them done in a day (guestimating on your whad of snaps). I know if you print over 100 snaps it costs 7p. So there more the merrier ;)

Hope this helps buddy :)

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Chrissie - I thought you would be blagging up Tesco's services ;)

I like to support the smaller independant shops in my home town otherwise you end up losing them.

However if l had loads of prints to do then l would probably use Tesco or an online company.

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True - totally agree with you there Chrissie :)

It is becoming tougher and tougher for these smaller shops to get any business and it seems the more they grow [Tesco's] the more difficult it is to not shop there because of the deals/benefits you get.

Tesco are like the Microsoft of software only in retail...

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It'd be a most red-faced encounter when you picked them up if you did. I'm sure they'd do it as loads of people must have a bit of blue in their holiday snap collection. They're hardly going to leave that one out and tell you they have. If it's a bedroom poster style then maybe they may have a few objections :mellow: .

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I know someone that put some rather dodgy negatives from an after-party into Boots for printing and someone reported them to the old bill...how rubbish is that :thumbsdown:

I've heard of a similar story and thought it was a pretty mean thing to do. Different if it was child pornography or something like that.

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I've heard of a similar story and thought it was a pretty mean thing to do. Different if it was child pornography or something like that.

People (including the Police) need to get a grip and go and catch some proper criminals :thumbsup: (Moonman take note :mrgreen: )

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I was sure this kind of thing happened, that the police get involved if you develop any dubious photos... I tried stopping my Danish mate making the same mistake in Sevilla 3 years ago, as he wanted to develop some very "blue" photos of him and various girls. I refused to go back to the shop with him to pick them up, I guess mainly out of embarrassment.

Suffice to say that the little shop had happily printed all 3 full films for him. It was outrageous!

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  • 3 weeks later...
boots are tight arses to dodgy pics - took a s*** load of my pics out when i went magaluf 5 years ago. There was a mass of nudity in them, but come on....bores!

Is that your nudity or that of females? If it the nudity of yourself then I think we'd all sympathise with Boots & no wonder they took them out! ;)

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lol @ mixed nudity! :)

I actually followed the advice of Bonusprint rather than go into Boots and they arrived today. Very happy with the test prints I sent so I now know I need to select the next size up. Matt is so much better than gloss too. Cheers people!

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