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Well hello again!


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Hi everyone,

I did manage to leave a message on here over the summer but I rarely found the time to get on the net so have lost touch a little with the dance music scene. I had a pretty awesome summer teaching windsurfing in Greece, didn't really want to have to come home!

Hope that everyone's well?! So...what's the latest news??

I found out the other day that a really good friend of mine called Greg James has been given the early breakfast show slot on Radio 1 which is very exciting!

Anyway, sure you'll see me on here much more over the next few months!! B)

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well hello again Wakey!

Hope you've had a wonderful summer, good to see your back mate. Noticed that breakfast presenter had been plucked from a university show and was wondering which university it was!

Not missed too much round here....or maybe not, lol, who knows!

Get yourself down to Perfect Motion @ Red on the 29th Sept mate, im doin the middle room (trance) - doing a monthly residency thing there now which is schweet B)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah I'm gonna be down in Norwich at uni mate, hope it all goes well! I'll let you know when I'm gonna be back next time and I'll have to try and come to PM.

Yeah he was at UEA with me, just graduated last year. Been doing student radio with him for a couple of years. He's done really well for himself gettin that job!

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