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I'm disappointed he's gone, not because I like Chelsea, because I don't but because he represented everything about the beautiful game that it should be; confident, well dressed, educated, and good at his job. He was the David Beckham of English football because he had the power to change its image form a chav-ridden, noisy, money-spindling cheat-zone into something more sophisticated and beautiful.

He will be missed!

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I don't really see why Chelsea fans are making such a big deal out of this really. I didn't think he was any better than any other manager. He spent a lot of money, brought in some great players - and should have won the league by points galore. OK, Abramovich dictated some of the players that had to be in the side, but even then, Mourinho picks the rest of the team, chooses the tactics and trains them - and I don't think he got the best out of them. They didn't play particularly attractive football, and even when they won, they often made hard work of it.

Arsene Wenger has performed miracles really without a huge budget. He had a mediocre side when he took over in the mid 90's, and he's turned them into a team that, when at their best, play the most entertaining football in the Premiership. He seems to buy and sell players at the right time, and whenever he spends money, he manages to recoup most of it by selling another player.

Wenger is the best foreign manager this country has seen and will always be remembered - whereas Mourinho will be forgotten about in 3 years time.

He wasn't a bad manager, but he wasn't as good as everyone thinks either. I certainly won't miss his arrogance either.

I'd love to see what Wenger could do with Chelsea's money :o

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I could talk all day on this subject but I'll try and give a concise answer.

1) I was shocked but not at all supprised by Jose's departure. I think this would be the view of anybody really. The obvious bad blood between him and the boardroom has been well documented and perhaps they had passed the point of no return.

When they played Rosenberg on Tuesday and Shevchenko scored, Jose didn't even flinch. The whole bench showed emotion except him! He then jumped up and went mental at Joe Cole to get the ball back for the restart.

2) I dont really think it's fair to say he's not a good manager and that it was the money that brought him success at Chelsea. Ranieri was given similar amounts of money and he didn't bring the same success Jose did. Also at Porto he won the Champions League with an average side (for European standards).

To win six trophies in three years is a good achievement by any standards.

3) Avram Grant's appointment looks very sketchy to me. I think the phrase 'puppet' is appropriate. It'd be a shame if he was being used in this way but it's well documented how Roman used to interfere with the dressing room and that fall outs resulted from Jose's dislike of this. Avram Grant doesn't have the CV to justify his appointment in my opinion and thats what makes it look it dodgy. He's managed Maccabi Haifa, Tel Aviv and the Israelnational squad. Hey, call me stupid but that just isn't something to shout about. Ok, when Fergie took over at Utd he had only managed Aberdeen but Utd were not of the current stature of Chelsea. Wenger had only managed Monaco as was relatively unknown in England. Wenger has done marvelous things with Arsenal and has made it his trade to turn kids into legends. Adebayor is proving to be one of his success stories.

4) I have to be honest that as much as I hated Jose at times and how he made my blood boil, I kinda liked his arrogance and personality. When he first joined the premiership I hated him but he soon gew on me. Some of his daft quotes had me in bits. The best by far was:

“Pressure? There is no pressure. Bird Flu is pressure.(The Press Laugh) No, you laugh, but I am being serious. I am more worried about the swan then I am about football.”


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I'll never forget his quotes that lit up the chav Premiership. Notably also when he was playing Barcelona, and was asked in a press conference what team Barcelona would put out (tactically) - normally a manager would talk about if the opponents will use such a player etc and keep some things unde wraps, but Mourinho simply goes and names all 22 players who are actually going to play and then walks out, lol

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