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The JJA Logo competition


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Calling all designers, big and small! We're looking for a new logo to replace the effort currently in place, and I'm asking you, the members, to have a go and see what you can come up with. And at the end of the comp, we'll let you vote which one is the winner - that which will take its new pride across the whole website B)

All you have to do is better this:

newstrip2.GIF - download this (Right-click & Save Target As...)

I have attached a blank strip below for everyone and anyone. Please feel free to have a play! :)

blank_strip.GIF (Right-click & Save Target As...)

All entries must be submitted to either myself or KR via PM by Sunday 28th October to be in for a shout.

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Yeah what's going on here - the board's getting all fancy on me :s

Noff and Memoir are both great logo designers, so if you read this gents I strongly recommend you go forth for this :)

Best of luck to all who enter (I'm sh!t of logo design and at drawing in real life :() & look forward to seeing the results...

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  • 2 weeks later...
i'd love to but i only have MS paint. I used to be a graphic designer for a small local company before joining my current (and far more enjoyable) "job".

And as a copper, you dint think bout pinching a copy of some of the your kit ;)

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I am making a more "adult" theme, which won't get selected but I'm submitting it anyway. I'm thinking more along the facial theme, but I'm not sure. Does anyone have ideas? I have spent a lot on money on Microsoft Draw for this idea.

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  • 1 month later...

This is new logo - you can't tell the difference though because in my first post I merely hotlinked the logo - since the new one has to have the same filename in order for it to show properly, it looks like it hasn't changed! :P

I'll always be on the hunt for something a bit sexier, so keep your eyes peeled!

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