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Cheating in DJMag Voting

Max Kane

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From DJ Mag:

This year we’ve been appalled and disgusted to discover suspicious voting irregularities in our Top 100 DJs poll.

For the first time ever, now that DJmag is wholly independent again, the votes in this year’s poll have been collated in-house, and while in previous years we’ve relied on technology to weed out suspect votes, this year it’s been proved that there’s nothing more effective than the naked eye.

With 345,000 votes cast by email, publisher James Robertson has spent a ridiculous number of man-hours going through each vote. His discoveries have resulted in several DJs being disqualified from this year’s poll.

Roberston explained: “This year, I made a decision to investigate votes where the same IP address appeared over 50 times for the same person. The chances of the same person getting voted for by 50 different computers each having been allocated the same IP address within a week would be billions to one.”

The biggest DJs at the centre of our investigation were US stars Christopher Lawrence and DJ Dan. Both shared the same marketing manager.

“In both their cases, a script was used to bypass our security system,” said Roberston. “Not only did we get multiple votes from the same IP address, but we got multiple votes from multiple IP addresses — in other words, we received in excess of 50 votes from the same IP address on over 20 occasions.

Both Lawrence and Dan vehemently denied any involvement in vote rigging. “I take this matter very seriously,” said DJ Dan. “My assistant and I confronted my former marketing manager via telephone. He strongly denied any wrongdoing, but had no credible explanation for the improper voting. Christopher Lawrence, who used the same marketing person this year, reported similar voting problems.

When I discovered the common link was our marketing person, I immediately terminated him.”

Lawrence’s lawyer Kent Liu said: “My clients are willing to declare under oath that they themselves did not purchase or use a script, nor did they instruct any person in their employ to do so.”

Chinese cheat DJ Tiesmi admitted paying cash for votes. “Tiesmi explained to me that it cost 4000 Yuan (£260) for 100,000 votes. He had paid a software engineer to create a script to by-pass our security code,” said Roberston. “However, it became apparent very quickly that Tiesmi was cheating when he raced to the No.1 spot within hours of the voting starting.

“His friend Yutise, who seemed to appear on the same bill as Tiesmi, as the second DJ, was also investigated. He explained that it was not him cheating, but his crazed fans who he had no control over,” said Robertson. “It’s funny though that the world’s biggest DJs, like PvD and Tiësto, don’t seem to have such problems.”

More voting irregularities surround the Flash Brothers from Israel — we detected over 1300 votes from the same IP address. They blamed “friends and family”.

In a statement to DJmag, they said: “It appears that some of our friends and family simply wanted to surprise us at all costs and help our cause. We certainly do not condone such behaviour. We feel very distraught about this whole affair. We accept full responsibility for this affair but are quite adamant it boils down to sheer stupidity and oversight.”

Hong Kong DJ Erick Junior has been dubbed “the fastest cheat in the East” after a four-day avalanche of votes saw him shoot to third position in the poll. Like the others, he has been disqualified. DJmag Editor Lesley Wright commented: “It’s outrageous that DJs should attempt to cheat. It shows a blatant disregard for the Top 100 poll, for DJ Magazine and, most importantly, for their fellow DJs. Shame on them

Why are they so suprised? I mean seeing DJ Dan as high as he was last year smacked of cheating & dishonest voting, the last remaining shred of credibility for this waste of time poll is now gone

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I guess they honestly believe that getting a high vote will give them instant success and an increase in bookings. Supprised about Christopher Lawrence as he's a reasonable DJ and I don't see why he or his management need to lie??

Don't suppose it matters that much to the diary of someone like Armin, PVD or Jules as one years bad vote will hardly cause a mass decline in their demand.

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Is just idiocy really, especially as he entered all the rigged votes on the opening few days of the poll. I mean if he had half a shred of intelligence he would wait til the last few days & maybe try & sneak into 99th to get a bit of exposure but arouse less suspicion. Either way the cheats are complete tools who will hopefully get what's coming to them

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I lost faith in the DJ Mag Top 100 when Oakie won it.

He's by far the worst DJ this planet has ever seen. He was shocking here in Coventry last week, and he's been shocking every time I see him. He always playes the same tunes too. Bullet In The Gun, Grace - Not Over Yet and Fred Baker - Total Blackout anyone?....

Also, I think you'll find this years winner could be Sander van Doorn! He's been booked to play at the awards party, but isn't part of the official line-up that has been released to the public. That usually only happens to the winning DJ.

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Armin will probably win it this year. He's continued with his relentless touring & promo, coupled with 2 solid compilation releases & easily the most popular radio show.

PvD's artist album dissapointed a lot of people but it still wouldn't surprise me to see him retain his crown

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PvD surprised me at Global Gathering. He must have dug his personality out of the loft especially for the occasion - he actually looked interested and happy.

Anyway, back on topic, I think it'll be PvD's year again if its a Trance DJ.

Armin deserves to win it because he's technically the best of the bunch, and consistently good - HOWEVER, its a popularity poll that anyone can enter. PvD and Tiesto have had tunes in the charts that Joe Public knows from watching MTV. Most teenagers will know Adagio For Strings, For An Angel and Urban Train even if they're not heavily into Trance because they had mainstream exposure on the TV and commercial radio.

Armin hasn't had any commercial releases, so he's not going to be a name that rolls off the tongue with your average teenager.

PvD and Tiesto let the number 1 status affect their ego's anyway - whereas Armin remains very level headed. In a way, I hope he don't win it so that he remains level headed and doesn't start playing at the Olympics and Disneyland.

I think the genuine Trance fanatic knows that Armin is the best anyway.

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PvD isn't the same for me anymore, he seems to have lost a bit of edge. The whole Albeton thing doesn't help.

His set at Global '04 is still right up there with the best performances I've ever seen though, when he used to nail it no-one could live with him.

Armin is much more consistent a performer

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PvD slammed every mix in at Global and messed about too much. I can't take Ableton "DJ's" seriously - Adam Sheridan went downhill when he jumped on that bandwagon too.

They spend too much time loking at their screens and tinkering around and forget all about the crowd interaction.

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I agree, to me its almost not Djing, it takes out what Djing is about. As Briggsy said Adam Sheridan is a prime example of what i call an Ableton victim, he was very promising when he first came on the scene but since he started using ableton he's not the same Dj.

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Doesn't Pete Tong use Ableton now aswell?

He was using decks at Global Gathering from what I could see, although I could see the advantages of using Ableton on Radio 1. It would make a lot of sense.

To be honest, I don't rate Tong as a DJ any more. If he didn't have his Radio 1 show, he'd disappear within 12 months ust like Danny Rampling did when he left Radio 1.

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Tongs improved 200% since he chose to use Ableton its a good thing for him trust me!

Sasha started the ableton thing off really and theer was this big hoo haa about this special maida val;e live essential mix in front og 100 people, it was a 2 hour snooze fgest for me what a load of bollucsk. given mr coe wasnt playing the usual club fare but it was bloodey boring, if this is what all the fuss is about with ableton then stuff it!

The DJ mag yearly poll is a farce any way has been for years.


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