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Above & Beyond - Home - Anjunabeats


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well, how good is this then? being as its on Anjuna, who knows how long we'll be waiting for it, but this is a top track and will be big over the x-mas period one would presume. Just heard it on the listen again feature on Jules show. I bet this does some serious damage in the right clubs.

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Wasn't everyone raving on about how good this was early in the year around January time? I can't believe its not been released yet. Anjuna must be as bad as Vandit and Mondo for release dates.

I've gotta be honest though, I can't see what the hype was about - but then Above & Beyond's sound does nothing for me anyway.

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As Ive said on anjuna forum a&B's club mxi is t best of t package, timewriter and jaytech are dissapoting and wippenbergs just typical farty nonesense, badal and tonys deep mixes are good thogh.

Indeed all versions are downloadable for £1.25 each on cdjshop!

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I was really really dissapointed by Jaytech on this remix. I think overall his standards are slipping of late though, he used to be original & inovative but now every track follows the same boring pattern.

He hasn't been the same since A&B started taking an interest

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Manipulators the best thing hes ever done imo and that came out last year!

Stuff like 'Manipulator' 'Engage' 'Genesis' 'Silver Cities' & 'Tomorrow' were all awesome & they represented his more proggy side most of the time.

Everything since 'Starbright' has just been a generic re-hash imo

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Wippenberg Remix all the way for me, I love the way within most Wippenberg remixes the melodies are left well alone & are then followed with the harder sound, can fit into so many varities of sets, even I'm playing it :P

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