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creative zen touch help


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dont know if anyone can help me, i have a creative zen touch (i've had it yonks and i found it on a bus years ago) and never had any problems on an XP o/s. However, on myh computer i'm using windows 2000 and when i plug the player into the usb port the computer doesnt recognise the mp3 player. It doesnt "dock" either. Yet i took it to a mates earlier and connected it to his laptop and it worked first time. I have troed re installing all the software but to no avail. I have checked device manager and it appears the device is working properly and the driver is installed, so why is the player not docking? why doesnt windows 2000 recognise it as a storage device? Any help appreciated as i'm starting to get annoyed with it.

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Are you using the USB ports at the front or back of the PC?

Sometimes USB ports on the front of towers have a slightly lower power supply - iPods definitely don't like them and give error messages if you connect them, so maybe your Zen isn't happy either... use the ports located right at the back :)

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