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Apparently this is what Australia's Prime Minister John Howard said the other week, what you all think? i recon we should request a transfer! lol

Australia's Prime Minister John Howard

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.

Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: ' IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.'

' This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'

' We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'

' Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'

' We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us'

' This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,


' If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'

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Well said Mr Howard, l agree with everything he said. Its such a pity that our own PM hasn't got the guts to stand up and make a similar speech to all the those Immigrants who want to change our culture to theirs. We couldn't do it in their country, if we did we would be locked up in a hell hole for the rest of our life.

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Its a strange one, I'm a sad bastard that watches prime ministers question time and stuff, and I just cannot see how that sorta stuff gets past!

It should be blatently obvious that we should take care of our own before we let people be able to try and take the p***. Yeah fair enough, they're fleeing from something terrible, but they should be looking at poverty etc in THIS country before they try and help other countries.

Once again I'm sorry, but this sorta thing really gets to me. One of my best mates is a social worker type thing, and we need more money in that sorta field, plus the NHS (where my mum works) than letting MORE people in that have f***ing daft views tbh, and use up what s***y resources we have because our government is so crap in the first place.

Its been over a week since I had a rant on here :D Let me be ;) Not the best constructed one I suppose :(

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John Howard isn't a much popular politican in his country though (although is/was voted as prime minister) and this probably shows why. I think you have to be very careful in todays world as making comments like this is only going to fuel radical groups targeting your country. I do, however, agree with the chap! I think this talk of our country taking on this Islamic Sharia law is total rubbish.

Chrissie is spot on in that if you went to an Islamic state country you'd only have to dress wrongly and end up in prison. Our government are way too scared to upset foreigners and will go to absurd lengths to help them stay in the country wheras in reality as our country is way too overcrowded, we should really be trying to deter them.

I said this in the last topic and I'll say it again; It's sad how people suddenly have to try and defend themselves when making a comment on a topic like this. They find in necessary to say "I'm not racist but...."

It shows the state of the world today that people are so worried about being deemed racist. That's not racist by any means; it's just having an opinion. I'd like to think that nobody on here is truely racist as that's a sad trait to possess. Not to like other cultures and religions isn't a problem but if that is fuelled by a hatred of other skin colours then that's wrong.

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Yeah Steve you do have a point there actually. That's one of the things that gets on my swede about Oz. The white population try and claim that they discovered the country. That's a bit of an arrogant view really seen as though the place had been inhabited by the aborigenes since the day nought.

It's one of the places that I would like to visit as the surf is out of this world and the climate is spot on. Don't like spiders though :unsure: .

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We spent two weeks there and it truly is a fabulous place. The wildlife is something out of this world - lizards were such a common site and while we driving along an open road, a huge one was sunbathing right in our path and we had to swerve around it!

On the Aborigines, its quite interesting ( :sleeping: ) how their race came about. There are no native primates in Australia and, so far, historians do not believe that boats had been 'invented' by the time the Aborigines are thought to have been around. Therefore, how did they get there? Answers on a postcrad please...

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I agree entirely! The problem with the UK is that we're too scared to speak out. If you speak to most people, deep down, they'll all say that they're sick of all the foreigners coming over here to take all of their freebies. They all claim we don't integrate, and they all claim we're racist.

I'm not racist - I don't care what nationality people are. If they come over, live by our lifestyles, do some work and pay their taxes, and take ONLY what they're entitled too (pensions when they reach 65, disability if they become disabled through work, etc), then i'm fine with it.

What annoys me is when they come over, get all of the government handouts, and send all the cash they get back to their families on their own countries because they're poorer countries and the salaries they earn here are enough to buy their families houses, cars and other luxuries.

The government seem oblivious to what is happening. These foreigners come over, send all the cash they get back to their own countries, and then they use it to develop their country. If we're not quick, they'll develop their countries with our cash, and because they're draining our cash, we'll have less to develop our country - meaning they'll eventually be better off than us and they'll become the rich nation whilst we struggle to develop ours.

I hate it when they say we're racist and don't integrate. We accept their festivals and celebrations, but when we have ours, they say they find it offensive and they want us to change the names of things like Christmas lights to 'festival' lights. We go to their countries, and we have to learn their lingo - but they come over here, and expect us to supply leaflets in their language because they can't be bothered to learn our lingo. Its funny that they can't speak our language, but yet they always seem to know enough of our language to be able to find out what benefits their entitled to when they move over, and enough to fill the relevant forms in. If there's a fight between someone black and someone white then it's branded a racist attackif the white person hits the black person - yet if the blakc person hits the white person, its just an attack. They say we're racist, but if a police officer pulls them over or questions anything, the first line they say is "You're only picking on me because i'm black" - well they're obviously racist themself for even thinking that! If we set up white radio stations, we're racist - yet they have black radio stations and blakc music awards, and we're supposed to not mind?

This country has gone crazy, and it's only going to get worse. Nobody dare speak out because they get branded racist. Even if a politician speaks out about his concerns, he's then bullied into resigning over his comments - by black and white people - even though, deep down, he's said what we all think?

Why is everyone so scared to speak out? Personally, if I was prime minister, my first job would be to sort all this immigrant lark. If i'm branded racist, I don't care! If they don't like it, they should clear off back to their own country.

If they live in this country, they should have compulsory health tests before they are allowed to live here. If they live here, they have to learn our language AT THEIR COST, and have to fund their move over to this country AT THEIR COST. If they want benefits and pensions, they HAVE to pay into the system first for a certain amount of years. If they need treatment or handouts before that time, they should be forced to seek it from their own country. If they want a job over here, then they'd either have to study at college AT THEIR COST, or already come over with a specific trade. In Australia, you have to have a certain amount of money in the bank before you head over there, and you need to have a profession too. It should be the same here. This is how i'd do it!

Instead, we have a load of spongers coming over living in government funded houses, with bills paid for by the government, and getting additional benefits on top. They work on the side cash-in-hand, which they then send back to their own country to pay for houses, cars and future living costs, and then move back to live there - and because they've earnt more than they would in their own country, they're set up for life because they'd go back to living on the cheap in their country.

This country is a disgrace! I'd leave tomorrow if I could - and i'm deadly serious. Great Britain is no longer great!

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Instead, we have a load of spongers coming over living in government funded houses, with bills paid for by the government, and getting additional benefits on top. They work on the side cash-in-hand...

Its not just immigrants. There are an awful lot of people on benefits in the UK that have descendants that are British for many a generation back.

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Eh, Kevin Rudd has been the Prime Minister of Australia since the start of December?

Stuart beat me to it! :)

I'm sure I saw someone on here ages ago point out that a Danish MP once suggested in their parliament many years ago that they should put all their immigrants onto a neighbouring (Danish-owned) island to rid the national crime problem. He was promptly sacked. :lol:

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Its not just immigrants. There are an awful lot of people on benefits in the UK that have descendants that are British for many a generation back.

Thats a whole different matter in my opinion and the worst offenders aren't in the slightest bit foreign......

People who really are escaping something are not in the slightest way up my list of people who are 'sponging'. Its slackers that have never worked a day's work in their lazy wee lifes.

No need for it whatsoever, but more needs to be done to fix it at grass roots level, which links back to the 1st problem I suppose. Not enough money, and too much over-inflated taxes being spent on shiiiiite!.

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