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Worst joke Wednesday...


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Well, I reckon we should make every Wednesday a 'worst joke Wednesday' - so post your really bad jokes in here....

Here's mine:

Teacher walks into the headmasters office and says "I've just caught the 5th formers gambling!".

Headmaster says "What were they doing?"

Teacher says "They were seeing how far up the wall they could pee"

Headmaster says "What did you do?"

Teacher says "I hit the roof!"

Headmaster says "Really?.. How much did you win?"

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A visitor to a mental institution asked the director how he decided which patients should be kept in.

The director said "We fill up a bath, then offer the patient a teaspoon, teacup or a bucket and ask them to empty the bathtub".

Visitor says "Oh, I see, a normal person would choose the bucket, because its the biggest".

The director says "No, a normal person would pull the f**king plug out! Would you like a bed near the window?"

A man kills a deer and takes it home to cook for dinner but doesn't tell the kids what it is. He says he'll give them a clue - "It's what mummy calls me sometimes".

The little girl screams "Don't eat it - its a f**king arsehole!

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What do you call a Scotsman that works in a cloakroom?

Angus McCoatup

What do you call his Asian colleague?

Mahat McCoat

They get worse.............

What do you call an Irishman that specialises in Doors, Windows and Conservatories? Paddy O'Door

What do you call an Irish Sniper? Rick O'Shea

Have you heard about the Irish gay couple? William Fitzpatrick & Patrick FitzWilliam

What do you call a Welsh plumber? Dwayne Pype

What do you call a woman that balances a pint on her head whilst playing Snooker? Beatrix Potter

What do you call an Asian karaoke singer? Gettupta Singh

What do you call a man with a bladder problem? I.P. Knightley

Have you heard about the Asian stock car racer? His name is Sumjerk Ramedmacar

What do you call the person that invented toilet paper? R.Swipe

What do you call a bloke with a long neck? G.Raff

What do you call a Russian Lesbian? Leyonya Bakyabich

What do you call a West Indian fishermans wife? Wendy Boatcummzin

What do you call a well known nudist Pakistani fire-eater? Sinjizz Pubezoff

What do you call a Scottish female contortionist? Alik McHunt

What do you call a woman that works for the Council water treatment depot? Sue Widgeworks

What do you call the female receptionist of a Viagra supply company? Lola Bido

What do yu call the customer that forgot to order his Viagra? Drew Peac**k

What do you call a cross-eyed pornstar? Mister Completely

What do you call a Russion with Bronchitis? Ivor Chestikov

What do you call a a male art student? Drew Appic

What do you call a male athlete? Paul Vault

What do you call a female police officer? Laura Norda

What do you call a Japanese car thief? Tommy Tukamota

What do you call an Asian carpenter? Ahmed Ashed

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A lorry transporting frozen cows to a large chain of butchers shops is travelling up the M1, when, all of a sudden, a tyre bursts and throws it across the carriageway. The driver can do nothing as the lorry topples over, and 200 frozen cows spill across the carriageway - which then holds up all the traffic.

Everyone sits there patiently in their cars waiting for the police to arrive. The lorry driver explains to the police what happened, and they say that as it was caused by a flat tyre, they won't be taking any action against him - but inform him that he'l have to remain with them until the hurd of cows can be safely moved - which could take up to three hours.

A woman driver overhears the conversation and say "Three hours? I can't wait that long - I need to be in Leeds within the next two hours."

The police reply "well, we're really sorry, but its a long process - we'll have to drag each cow out of the way one-by-one - which will take time"

The woman groans and says "Thats absolute nonsense - i'll shift them - leave it with me!"- so off she goes.

She walks up to each cow, touches it with her finger, and somehow, it unfreezes, comes back to life, and walks away.

The lory driver and police look on in amazement as she walks up to another and does exactly the same thing - touches it, unfreezes it, and find that it walks away. She manages to unfreeze all 200 cows - and the road is clear within half an hour.

The Police say to her, "That is truly amazing - i've no idea how you did it, but that deserves an award. The Policeman says, "I need to arange for the award to be sent to you, so can I take your name please?"

The woman says, "Sure, my name is.............

Thora Hird..............

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What do you call a man with brown paper trousers?


What is Santa's favourite pizza?

One that's deep pan, crisp and even.

What's green, got eight legs, and if it fell from a tree it would kill you?

A snooker table!!

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Mary had a little skirt

with splits right up the sides

and every time that Mary walked

the boys could see her thighs

Mary had another skirt

split right up the front

and every time that Mary walked

the boys could see her ....... Blimey, is that the time? I'd best come back to finish this off later.. :P

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For the Liverpool fans

Rafael Benitez: "Our new Winger cost five million. I call him our wonder player"

Sir Alex Ferguson: "Why's that?"

Rafael Benitez: "Everytime he plays I wonder why I bothered to buy him!"

Q: Why will Liverpool never win the League?

A: They keep scoring Owen goals

Q: How many Liverpool fans does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Yeah, as if they have electricity in Liverpool...

Q: What's is the differance between Pamela Anderson and the Liverpool goal?

A: Pam's only got two t**s in front of her

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A SAUSAGE and an EGG are rolling around in a frying pan together.

"Cor, it's hot in here isn't it!" says the Sausage.

To which the egg replies:

"f***ing hell!! A talking sausage!?!"

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