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All Hail The New Board!!


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first post, first post!!!

hey guys, i think now we have the new board we should make a concerted effort to make it even better!!! (not that the last board was at all bad!!)

So im sure i speak for everyone when i congratulate tim for his hard work (during his period of hard work!) and say a big thanks for sorting all this out so quickly!!!

Legend tim!!

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Yeh its good to have this back - our little community!

I didnt know we lost all our info, had to re-reg etc! Ah well......

How come when you try to go to Tim's page we are redirected here? Has that totally gone?

Where is Tim now anyways? He also was working on a cracking little mini site for me to help me sell me decks etc. I think that has totally gone aswell!

P.S to those guys who wanted demo..... I am still working on em and will aim to get em out to you ASAP!

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Pretty depressed I am! What a nightmare fortnight. Had an absolute shocker of an exam today (which isnt part of my degree it being History, but it was still bloody impossible), and I've still got most my exams to go - don't finish til the 3rd June.

The chances of the webserver AND my PC going down at the same time you could put a bet on 1,000,000 to 1 it wouldn't happen, but my only conclusion is that I suffered the same fate as the server, for some reason. : :(

There info was irrecoverable; I though even forked out on professional recovery software and found the damn web folder with all the website on. When I opened it, it was all corrupted - devastating, I can't begin to explain what it was like. :cry: :cry:

But thanks for your support everyone - it really pleases me to come on here and see the board bustling with new posts. Please keep it alive, for us!

PS http://www.judgejulesarchive.co.uk/ I've redirected straight to this messageboard, because there's no point in a home page now I don't think.

I'm pretty f***ing busy right now but I'll be on as much as I can to check it's all ticking over. :wink:

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